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Everything posted by joshyzburton

  1. See Axilus? I know things...
  2. This changes everything!!!
  3. 343 isn't that bad...They're just not bungie that's all...
  4. Canines are "Beautifyyyyyyyy!!!"

  5. Ledgend is NOT mafian... That much, at least, is obvious...
  6. You did this to me! You make me hungry yet you persist! How dare you deprive me of my chicken... Could you at least share?
  7. By any chance, could I possibly eat the chicken? I crave chickens! They are my favourite fudz! ...so hungry right now...
  8. Aaah you could have mentioned that sir...Just saying...sir...
  9. Careful...Reaper is on his monthly evil stage...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Twinreaper
    3. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      The evil form is not Beautifyyyyyy

    4. joshyzburton


      Oooooh but it is BEAUUUUTIIIIIFYYYYYY!!!

  10. His last poem was on the page before this... He didn't get lynched...
  11. Its been more than two hours.... :realmad:
  12. Someone needs to tell both Bungie and Activision that a game cannot be fixed with DLC's.
  13. Bungie are letting Activision push them around... The game is a failure...
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