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Everything posted by joshyzburton

  1. Apparently I am 'Blake Wolf' now! LOL
  2. Ok I confirm "I vote for Bnus"
  3. I change my mind Bnus for president
  4. Not read the review but I already know that the game is ****. Activision is the satan of the gaming industry!
  5. If you vote can it be taken back? I just need to know this...
  6. I vote yang...I must expect the unexpected...Which means I should vote for the one I like most! Genius!
  7. How does one vote? Is it done by PM or in this topic?
  8. Ok thank you for telling me caboose also I am accusing you of being a mafian...
  9. Is that really how it works? This is the first 'Mafia' I have played so I don't exactly get what to do...
  10. My brother keeps on leaving the cats downstairs alone with the guinea pigs...Its really annoying

  11. One day i woke up and realised i was in the matrix...

  12. What if people were incapable of pronouncing the letter 'A'?

    1. Buns


      Then there would be no Hlo

    2. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      Then we'd have to develop a new universal language.

    3. joshyzburton


      Then there would be Holo

  13. Trees...Crazy right?

    1. GermanShepherdD


      birch trees they can't be trusted.

  14. Lizard squad are amateur hackers they only ever DDOS stuff for no apparent reason and gain nothing from it in the process. They are a waste of their own time. #Caboose4worlddomination
  15. If you could be any animal what would you be?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Twinreaper
    3. Delpen9
    4. joshyzburton


      Is it not obvious that I meant other than what you are now?

  16. The fact that its going free to play so soon is a massive troll to those unfortunate people that bought such a let down in the first place.
  17. Im back everyone!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. joshyzburton


      That just shows how long I have been gone...


    3. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      But did you ever go?

    4. joshyzburton


      Good question..................Yes, yes I did

  18. Goodbye...i should have got to know you-you seem pretty cool.
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