Name:Black wolf (this is his nickname as nobody knows his real name)
Weapons: two hunting knives,katana and a bow and arrow
Appearance:Short blonde hair, blue eyes,male,wears black fedora,long coat and fingerless gloves,white shirt,dark blue jeans and black trainers. As a wolf he has dark black fur and blue eyes-in wolf form he also wears his fedora so he is recognised.
Skills and Powers: Sharpened wolven senses and abilities, can take the shape of a Wolf whenever he wants (looks like regular wolf-not werewolf) Bio:Was raised in the wild by a pack of other human-wolves he learnt the ways of his kind until he was 12 when he was released to dicover the world and live his life-he then came across the wonderful 343 city and has lived there for one month hoping to meet new people discover in them good freinds...
As trained by his pack he is a skilled freerunner and spents a lot of time on rooftops and in trees he was also taught the immense fighting style and stealth of his elite clan of Wolf-men.
He has a pack of regular wolves of his own that he may call upon at any time with a recognisable howl in his wolf form.