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Everything posted by joshyzburton

  1. Finally got an xbox one! Only a few more hours until my games are playable! Next-gen everybody!

  2. Hey destiny fans how was the story?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HIWBC


      Activision thought it was great ;).

    3. HIWBC


      I would rate it a 'waste of £/$/€ out of 10' however xD.

    4. joshyzburton
  3. My God! It's a whole carefully thought out network of secrets and lies! The plot thickens!
  4. Classic infection was better for making custom game modes, it gave you more options. I WANT INVASION BACK!!! Old grifball was the best, this new halo 4 version sucks.
  5. Banned because it wasn't meant to be rude... sorry if I offended anyone.
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