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xx Femme xx

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Everything posted by xx Femme xx

  1. Pretty simple explanation, really. My gamertag is xx Femme xx. I am a woman. The double X stands for the XX chromosome makeup of the female. The word "femme" means "woman" in French. Even though my gamertag shouts "YES, I AM A WOMAN", I STILL get messaged and asked "Are you a girl?" Ugh... Gotta love the Xbox Live community...
  2. Seven years ago today I married my true love, Neddy (gamertag xx Neddy xx). That in itself isn't of much importance to most of you, I'm sure. However, the reason I wanted to share this with the community is because Neddy and I met while playing Halo 2, when I joined the clan that he was a member of. He was in England, I was in Florida. We played many games online together, custom and matchmaking. Futzed around in maps finding super jumps and messing around getting out of the maps. He flew here to meet me and we instantly knew we had something special. He moved here to be with me in January of 2007 and we were married February 23, 2007 and have been together since....STILL gaming as strongly as ever. I am proud to share my story with the beloved Halo community. May you all find your happy as I have
  3. Look...I'm a woman. I've been playing on XBL (and Halo) since Halo 2 and I've seen my share of bull that people can dish out. The trick is to mute, ignore and move on. There are jerks EVERYWHERE. Guys have to put up with them too, not just girls. It just seems that way because frankly, there are less of us women than there are of the guys. You have to realize that most of who you're coming into contact with are immature boys who haven't mastered the art of being adult around ANYBODY, let alone a woman. I don't answer them when they taunt, I don't retaliate when they seek me out to assassinate, betray, teabag, etc. I just ignore them. I also don't make it a point to announce that I'm a woman, either. Some women/girls online I've seen make it point to shout things like "ha ha, you just got killed by a girl!" then go off to complain that the guys are jerks and singling them out. Just play and let your skill speak for itself. Gender doesn't matter when you're holding a weapon. If their behavior is really that bad, you can file a complaint. Otherwise, just ignore it and move on. For all the jerks out there, there are more decent people online.
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