Name: 'Covert Ops]' - Primary Weapon: Storm Rifle Secondary Weapon: Magnum Grenade: Plasma Grenades Armor Ability: Active Camouflage Tactical Package: Resistor Support upgrade: Stealth (or in case you don't have it, Dexterity) - Description: This seems to work extremely well for me, and I'l tell you guys why. The storm rifle is excellent against shields, and decent against the spartan body. that makes for a quick kill. The magnum is the semi-sniping/backup weapon, and it comes in headshot-handy with the storm rifle if you take out the enemy's shields first. Plasma grenades are self-explanatory- they stick to the bad guys and their vehicles. Active Camo is good for jamming up your opponents' Motion-Tracker, while it also keeps you (for the most part) hidden from their sight while your shields recharge behind some cover. Lastly, the Stealth support upgrade is a necessity for a quick and silent assassination, or at least an attempt. It 'dampens', which pretty much means silences your footsteps so the victim won't hear you, and then speeds up your assassination time by a good 30% from what I can tell. If you don't have Stealth, Dexterity speeds up weapon swaps and reloads quite a bit.
That was a lot of english-sounding talk, but I'm actually 100% American, Hah, I bet I fooled you. No? Okay...