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Everything posted by DoYouEvenBR

  1. THIS IS THE REAL DEAL. WHAT HALO 5 MUST AND SHOULD HAVE. I. In Game Rank System . A halo 2/3 type of rank system 1-50 for that Skill GAP. . Halo Reach Point System of unlocking Titles and Armor.[Rookie, Noble, Knight, Hero, Titian, Mythic, Guardian, Legendary, Forerunner, Reclaimer, Inheritor, Master, Grand Master] . Of course the winners of the match get more points than the losers, that way it will promote Casuals to compete competitively and motivate them to unlock titles and armors. . A Social/Ranked playlist is a MUST. II. Armor . Halo Reach style of armor. They got it right. . As you start your Spartan Rookie in match matching, all new and polished, make it so that after 500 games played your armor begins to get worn(paint begins to rust away) in certain places like the hands and feet. 1000 games makes your Spartan look Battle Damaged, scratches, bullet marks, cracked armor, just completely worn out, that can be noticeable. Make it an Option to turn off or on. If those who don’t like to get dirty. . Armor Effects, like in reach. Smokey, Swampy, Dusty, Electric, Frosty, and Heatwave effect. I think these should be unlocked by doing Hard VID Master challenges. III. Game Mechanics . No join game in progress. . No Ordnance drops. . Remove Armor abilities OR rework them making it so they can used to a certain limit. Give them a Limit cap. That way players won’t abuse/spam it like crazy. And should be made PICK UP equipment in game. . Since Sprint is here to stay, all I ask is to be toned down just a little more, Speed wise. It would be nice to see a Bar Breathe indicating how much sprint you have. . BR/Carbine Start. DMR and L.R should be pick up weapons on maps. . Overshield, Camo, Speed Boost, Damage Boost power ups should be pickups on maps. . Descope is a MUST. Remove Flinch. . Less Aim assist, preferred Halo 2. More Skill required prompts longevity which make players only to play more to get better. . Bring back Game types, Assault, Invasion, Race(Hog Race was Fun as heck), Territories. . Halo: ODST Night Vision and Helmet Layout. . Return of 30+ seconds despawn weapons. . Return of Halo 2 Nade Mechanics . Return of Halos 3 Fusion Coils Mechanics . Cool accidental features that were in Halo 2 like the BXR/BXB, Ghandi Hopping, InstaNade, Strafing, Nade jumping and even the Halo 4 spring Jump. All these will make halo a more interesting and depth game. IV. Maps/Forge . More small symmetrical maps . Appealing layout pieces, maybe adding different skins on them, Rural, Grassy, Rocky, Sandy, Cement. Just ideas. . A new Forge World/Island . Ability to choose Daylight or Night time. . Ability to choose a season to forge on. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter. . Ability to forge firefight maps if it returns. . Environmental Scenery. Would work BEST for BTB gameplay. § Desert map = light Sandstorm winds § Ice map = Falling of Hail/Snow § Volcanic map = Raining Ashes/Heatwaves V. Theater/Spectator Mode . Should be able to watch Campaign, Multiplayer, Firefight/Spartan Ops footage. . 4 person accessibility . Should be able to mesh saved clips together. That would be neat. . SPECTATOR MODE IS A MUST. VI. Matchmaking/Appeal IDEAS . Social/Ranked Playlist . Spartan Tags that should be customizable like COD Emblems. . Halo 3’s Match making UI, where it displayed one map only, and the ability to only veto once. That way players play more diverse maps and gametypes. . Options to turn off/on of Oddball throwing and Assassination Animation. . Flag Juggling IS also a must. Again that Skill Gap. . A more appealing UI, user friendly, a combination of halo 3 and Reach would be ideal. VII. Spartan Ops/Fire Fight . Add environmental factors that play a big part in the Firefight/Spartan Ops like Twisters, Blizzard storm, Volcanic derby, Tsunamis Waves, Sandstorm. Would make gameplay more dynamic. . Halo: ODST difficulty . Add FUN Easter eggs that would make players actually try to do/get. Like adding secret Switches that would trigger a volcanic eruption killing things in its path. Or collecting secret coventant tablets as the game progresses that would trigger a big conventant ship to crash and explode. Something like that. Just an idea. . Add aircraft Firefights/Spartan ops gameplay. Like that one mission on reach, where they went from skyscraper to skyscraper. VIII. Return of Weapons/Vehicles . Weapons that brought an interesting fun factor to the game. § Grenade Launcher § Needle Rifle should be modify to where it shoots a 3 shoot burst, like the BR. That way the it would be a BR for the covenant. And also cool new weapon for halo 5. § Fire/Spike grenades § Brute Shot § Mauler § SMG § Plasma Cannon § Plasma rifle § Brute spiker . Vehicles that made the game more Fun § The Chopper § The Revenant § The Spectre § The Falcon § The Hornet § Brute Prowler
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