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Everything posted by alo445

  1. I've died attempting to get power ups more than once and not been banned. I think the ban system should stay in effect and those that quit repeatedly should have harsher punishments. I understand lagging out on occasion, but I just had about 7/10 games where people quit and it's detrimental to both sides. One team is handicapped and the games take much longer. The players that are still in the match are also stuck, sometimes playing 4 on 1, running around in a boring game for 12 minutes. Bring down the banhammer on quitters!
  2. I agree with Michael church, approximately 7 out of 10 games I've had people leave on my team or the other team. It's absolutely brutal, the games take forever and it isn't fair. start removing REQ points or removing rank. I don't know what the solution is, but this is definitely a problem. Please 343, address this issue, there are way too many people leaving Halo 5 games in matchmaking and the most severe punishment seems to being suffered by the players who are following the rules and staying in the game.
  3. I have purchased the War Games Map Pass and I have no way to download any of the map packs from the Halo 4 menu. The Live marketplace specifically says not to download them from there because I will be charged a second time. Am I missing some way to download the maps in the main menu? Please Help.
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