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Everything posted by Coldfreeze

  1. Even the chief cannot survive a grenade planten inside of him.
  2. Is this everyones reasoning: The pulse grenade sucks? The pulse grenade forcefully expands, if the didact is alive, he has a biiiig hole in his chest.
  3. How is the Didact still alive?
  4. For the record: WE are NOT 343i. We are a fan community.
  5. Gues who isn't competing then. I think a lot of people were under the inpression they could pick their sides and have basically already decided who they want to join. Me being the first drafted in the OS while I clearly stated I didn't to feels like I got screwed over.
  6. The armors in reach are battledamaged, they got scratches and such on it, but what I understand from you, you want a completely roughed up spartan.
  7. Hello everyone, this morning I wrote an article about the backlash Ubisoft has been revieving after E3 for not including women in their next gen titles. I thought you guys would find it an interesting read as well so I am posting it here. Women in videogames. In the recent days of E3, Ubisoft has gotten overwhelmed with hate for not including female characters in their new games of Assassin’s Creed Unity and FarCry 4. I can understand people want to see more female characters in an industry mostly reservered for the hardcore male action hero/macho characters. But the backlash Ubisoft has gotten is wrong, in every sense of the word. They are accused of discrimination, sexism and bigotry. Just for the fact they did not include a female co-op partner. But does no one remember Activision, the company that said: “Hey look we have a female soldier now!” as if it was a new feature? Or that almost every MMORPG has female armor which is purely focused on their breasts with giant cleavage? Even Mass Effect a game praised for it’s story and engaging universe has females wearing armor which shape around character’s breasts. But when Halo 4’s female spartan showed no distinctive female features, people complained, because she looked like a dude. Almost every game to date has females shown as objects, damsels in distress or just plain weaklings. But we are forgetting that some of the greatest heroes in gaming are female. We have Samus Aran, Lara Croft, Sarah Palmer who leads an army of super soldiers, Zelda who can handle herself as a mage as well as a pirate. We have the sirens from Borderlands. Female characters in the Elder Scrolls series are assassin’s, warriors, leaders. I admit these numbers are small compared to the male game heroes. But all of these are more brave, strong and more deserving of the term hero than some of the male characters. And now Ubisoft is experiencing crushing criticism for not including a female character, because their deadline is too short to actually include a well thought out, well written, well animated female co-op character. We are looking at wrong company here, is all I have left to say. Signing off.
  8. Yeah make the warthog stronger and faster, we can absolutely handle this.
  9. Days like these make me proud to be a Dutchman 5 -1 against Spain. As finishing touch God created the Dutch!

  10. As long as its on the weekend I do not mind. Just saying 6 pm is undoable for me. But from 2 to 6 is.
  11. I won't see them trying to kill him. I hope everyone remembers that he has been fast forwarded to a higher form of evolution, to stop the Didact. He is the result of a thousand lifetimes of planning. And do not forget Paul Lasky who supported chief in the beginning. And for all of the spartan-IV's he is a legend, he was presumed dead and one of the few remaining spartans left alive. A legend who keeps realising one single truth. Spartans never die, they go MIA.
  12. I am just saying here that different magnums would be cool. But I just dont see attachments working for only aestethic purposes.
  13. I kind of agree with that, not so blatantly of course, but there is some logical reasoning in there.
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