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Everything posted by Coldfreeze

  1. Hello there StatePancakes first of all, welcome to the forums. I think there was a credit limit in the early days of Halo Reach, but if I recall correctly they removed that early on in the game. Maybe the system banned you since it thought you were glitching or something, you could get a credit ban for joining games while AFK, just so you can easily get the credits. But you need to be more specific on what you were doing, maybe then we can help you further. Also for the information we are a fan forum, you might want to pick this up with 343I on Halowaypoint.com.
  2. This sounds like an update problem, if you can not download the beta, this might be due not recieving the update.There is no way to force such an update though besides the system update.
  3. A lot of people would buy a xbox one for Halo 5. There is a very good reason for it not coming to 360 and it's called graphical limitations, Halo 4 pushed the boundaries of what the 360 could do, switching the big open enviroments from Halo 3 and Reach to the small detailed enviroments of Halo 4. Examples of why porting it to 360 would not be a good idea are games such as Shadow of mordor and Dragon Age: Inquisition, while both games run on the 360, they are tuned down so much that a lot of the defining features in those games have been cut out or downgraded, the nemesis system in Shadow of Morder is a lot less diverse than on the xbox one and the game runs at around 20 fps with frame drops. Halo 5 will not be out for at least another 9 months and if so the xbox one would out for approximately 2 years, the 360 while still being supported will be over 8 years old and is just not a console capable of keeping up with the current gen. Titanfall itself is btw a franchise and is a pc and 360 game as well. Forza is one of the xbox exclusives which is actually a rather big franchise. The xbox one already had price drops, I bought mine for 300 and this included a copy of titanfall, for 65. The 360 is on it's way out.
  4. This would not run on your day to day gaming pc, you need some heavy hardware to run such a thing. Seamless transmission from ground to space is hardware heavy, only game going for it is no man's sky at the moment and it is it's main feature. The other reason is that what your asking for is not going to run on a game pc. This requires a pc which has been build for designing purposes it has to render a lot. While I like the idea, this is a rather advanced thing you're asking for and comes closer to a dev kit than a forge mode.
  5. Keep that preteen joy out of a competitive grown man title? Halo is a competitive title, an arena based shooter. Cod is also a competitive title, but a fast paced arcade shooter. But Halo is not a grown man game and cod not a preteensy one. People of all ages play these games. I played Halo in my teens and I still play them now, same counts for CoD. Even though I love Halo more than CoD. Halo had to change, no doubt, otherwise people will start complaining about how it is all the same again, same as with cod. Even Activision realised this (somewhat late) and handed development to another team. Advanced Warfare kept its core CoD gameplay, but added another layer of movement. Pretty much how Halo kept it's core gameplay over the years with some additions to it. Some bad and some good. The MCC changed nothing in the MP of for Halo 2 and instead added an anniversary version of Halo 2 or any other MP for that matter. People complaining about MP in the MCC (besides it not working, I complain about that too.) Are blinded by nostalgia.
  6. Halo 4 is a lot faster compared to Halo 3, I agree that Reach added too much, inbalancing the game in the progress. Halo 5 looks faster than Halo 4 in terms of movement and reaction speed. None of the abilities seem to be unbalanced and they seem to be more focused on tactical balance. People are already complaining about ground pound yet, it keeps you still in the air for 1 to 2 seconds and you light up like a flare, making you an easy target. Sprint does not recharge your shield. Before you can charge or slide you need to reach maximum velocity and can do one of those, a wrong charge and you are open to attack, a wrong slide just the same. Thrust adds faster movement options and more options to adapt to a situation. clamber keeps you still on a ledge for a second again making you an easy target. Stabilizer holds you still in the air. and the smart scope has been in Halo far longer than some realize hey just added more weapons to the mix. All these are based upon the concept of "On the right time at the right moment." You say that the Halo games are failing yet the MCC boosted xbox one sales. Halo is gaining ground back which Bungie lost with Reach, one step at a time.
  7. Chief goes rogue Locke tracks him down Flood is back Cortana still dead chief wins
  8. First of all we are not 343, but a fan forum, head on over to halowaypoint if you want to be sure 343 reads your complaint and/or suggestions. Second, the problems were also caused by the xbl services haviing problems. I have had a few matches yesterday (with some hickups) but most went well, no lag or host switching, but it could be more stable, at least they are aware of it.
  9. And I meant the whole takedown cutscenes.
  10. Assassinations were introduced in Reach. The comparison here is that hijacking and dual wielding may not have increased flow in gameplay, but are still among features people want or people expect from Halo. We can't just have the same game over and over again.
  11. First of all, we are a fan forum, not 343 industries, you might want to ask on Halowaypoint. Also the play lists can change and will change, so maybe it's not in now, but it could be in later.
  12. I don't see any problem with sprint, in fact sprinting removes your shield generation, making it a more tactical choice and balancing gameplay at the same time. The other abillities which they showed off are open for change, but do make the flow of the gameplay a lot faster and brings in a big chunk of arena type gameplay. A lot of new mechanics were introduced with other Halo games as well, such as dual wielding, hijacking, AA, assassinations. Sprinting fits in Halo wether you like it or not.
  13. It should be under your download history. The other thing you could try is reinstalling the map packs (either via download history, but it's better to use the menu in H4.) I can not get it clear from your story, but did you do a license transfer to the new xbox? DLC can give errors if the console does not own the license. Find how to here: http://support.xbox.com/en-GB/xbox-360/downloadable-content/download-content
  14. Man this looks so incredibly sweet. As soon as I saw the feet I fgiured it would be armor from the Halo Reach. The helmet looks a tad small though, wearing it with a visor in it might be a little constrictive, could also be the camera view btw. Did you already decide on what color your striving for?
  15. I use it, because it can give me a small edge, but a lot of times I get killed as well, it only works when only the vehicle gets destroyed.
  16. invulnarable is an overstatement, the thing could handle long distance, close by not so much.
  17. Halo escalation 10, HOLY FRIGGIN ERMAGERD WOW

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime



      I wouldn't be too worried.

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      It's definitely NOT the end. Check where *it* landed, and what exactly happened to it. Then look at what Chief said at the end about *it*.

    4. rrhuntington


      It'll be fine... We all know he has to be shot in the head right?

  18. Halo 3 is still played and Halo 4 is still played, bringing them to the xbox one ensures them to still be played. Resident Evil 4 is also seem as one of the best they did and Halo 2 brought online competitive gaming to the console. There is no need for these games to come to the xbox one, still a lot of people like the idea. maybe they just do it for their paychecks, but everyone in the world works for those.
  19. Just pulling your leg buddy, but like I said before not now, maybe later on, but now it is MCC and Halo 5 for the next two years at least.
  20. And suddenly the puzzle falls together.
  21. I know the feeling had it two years ago, I was a cartoon I would have had steam coming out of my ear. Got a week off and didn't turn on my computer or tv, I ran, 4 km or 5 km, just clearing my head every day off the week. I am anxious for your return, but do not rush things, chill out, do stuff you like and let go of all the stress.
  22. *flips knife around* Assassinating ain't that hard, buddy. There are also way more perks than you described, I would recommend giving your two cents on those as well.
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