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AWI Metal Mew 2

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Everything posted by AWI Metal Mew 2

  1. Greeting fellow Members I'm Miles ... My gamertag is "AWI IKH2PLY GD" ....It stands for AWI, My Clan and ( "I Know How To Play Good" ) Here is a bit about me Role in AWI: CO-Founder, Administrator , and competition/Clan battle liaison Origin of gamertag: Hard to read, but easy to understand after. Previous or current clan/community: DHG....AKA Die Hard Gamers, clan of around 2000: Former Clan Director. Favourite Maps: Sword Base, Sanctuary, Pinnacle. Least favorite Maps: Powerhouse, Reflection, Asylum Preferred control scheme: Bumper Jumper, Sensitivity 2, No vibration Halo playing style: Tactical Support and Effective but selfish Main slayer.. Favorite Halo character: Sergeant Avery Johnson Favorite Halo quote: "Tank beats everything!" Other Information Other games: Magic the Gathering, Dead Space 3. Call of Duty Black Ops 1, Halo 4. Favorite Magic Deck: Liliana Specter LIlliana or Chandra.. who would you tap?: Chandra, She's smoking hot! Favorite music: Metal, Dubstep, Trance. Favorite movie: Watchmen Favorite quote: "Guy behind yo....never mind he;'s dead."
  2. Well if you have a mature attitude and play to win you are more then welcome in AWI (A Worthwhile Investment). All that is required is a positive attitude, some unique personality and play style ...(Yours) and the ability to want to find your place in our Clan...Recruiter, Squad leader, Forum admin, Sniper, Support, MLG, Recruit Training, Clan Liason/Finder, Clan Rep, Member and so on. Below is our Clan Recruitment page and the second link is our website. http://343i.org/1g0 http://awigaming.webs.com/ Well if you are still looking for a clan, Enjoy having fun, winning games and like to play as part of a Team AWI (A Worthwhile Investment) might be the Clan you're looking for. All you need to bring is: A. Mature attitude. B. Unique personality and play style...(Yours) C. Headset or mic, To communicate with the Team. D. One good ear and one good eye, So you can hear us discuss the rest with you and if you join see and sign up to the website. Our Recruitment Link and Website link are also both below. Recruitment link: http://343i.org/1g0 Website Link: http://awigaming.webs.com
  3. Hi Jack, I'm another Co-Founder in AWI. We are a mixed bunch but we have Members from the U.S, EU and UK. My gamertag is my profile name and is also put as my Gamertag. Look forward to playing if you add me.
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