Oh boy....introductions....
I really do hate them...
Please do excuse that, but I'm afraid it's all too true. Personally I'm not much one for being outgoing in just about any situation, all the same I suppose it beats just lurking around different threads for weeks.
I suppose you could put me down as the resident introvert...I really won't speak unless spoken to, and I tend to keep conversations brief.
I've been playing Halo since the beginning. Though I unfortunately hit Halo 3 at the end of its lifespan, I made up for that quite heavily with the release of Reach, and carried that over to Halo 4.
Can't say I've ever been the type to play uber aggressively (or normally for that matter), but I do prefer to keep a positive KD and will go to lengths to keep it that way.
Meh, with my completely non-descriptive description out of the way, I suppose that wraps most of it up.
Truly I'm just here to catch some news, a few laughs, and maybe converse with a few like-minded people.
Just don't get too close...you might catch my special brand of insanity.