The cutscene cave on the Mission, "Long Night of Solace" is an area that is loaded during the first sequence of the mission. The cave is stored within about 22 Pan Cam units of solid space, and was thought to be impossible. Finally, after almost four years, the cutscene cave has finally been achieved. After attempting extremely complex setups for years, it had just hit us that we could attempt the cave with a fairly simple setup. All it requires is a seraph and a well delayed checkpoint. It's kind of funny how quickly the methods evolved from something so excruciating to something that can be done with some time on hand and a few friends. We, the member of Termacious Trickocity, proudly being you, the Long Night of Solace Cave. We hope you enjoy this as much as we do! We also definitely recommend you try this out for yourself, as this trick can be done rather quickly.