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Posts posted by Eqwinoxe

  1. As 343 releases a "fresh" "new" game, I want your thoughts about it. I watch to know your problems, best moments so far, and overall the sheer fun of it. Just post them below, so I know what I might expect when I get it for Christmas, and please no hate for the game, just I want problems and just overall some good times. :)





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  2. Okay then....



    This is a scene from the next part... ( I will get around to labelling them all. :)


    What do you think flows better ?


    “Here you are sir, please enjoy” The bartender handed Butch a bottle of Vodka, before walking off the serve other customers. “Don’t work Ardent, I have a certain expertise for staying sober” Butch attempted to assure Ardent. Ardent kept quiet and watched Butch start to drink well into his next bottle of Vodka.



    or this


    “Here you are sir, please enjoy” The bartender handed Butch a bottle of Vodka, before walking off the serve other customers.


    “Don’t work Ardent, I have a certain expertise for staying sober” Butch attempted to assure Ardent.


    Ardent kept quiet and watched Butch start to drink well into his next bottle of Vodka.


    What the heck, why not?


    Name: Boss


    Weapons: Stainless steel Baseball bat, .357 Colt Python (Revolver)


    Appearance: 6 feet tall (182 cm) 300 lbs (136 Kg) Short, messy dark brown hair, rough beard. Camo Cargo pants, a black T-shirt, and a long black Trench coat. Usually wears a Black Baseball cap.


    Skills and Powers: Gunslinger, can shoot lightning because I said so.


    Bio: No one knows how or why Boss came into existence, but if there really was a purpose, he certainty doesn't seem to care. More content spending his days drinking Mountain Dew and playing games than actually fighting; most assume he's harmless. He's not, but he just doesn't care all that much.

    Also, Caboose. When you say somebody "looks over" or "hands a bottle of vodka" in this case, but *hands a bottle of vodka*. It represents a character doing something, if you leave it like that, it sounds like somebody is saying it. :)



    Uhh... Boss. Dont mind that.. I don't know why it did that...

  3. Name: Ewok  (Yeah don't ask, just think, Twin gave me this name. Sorta fits. Lol)

    Weapon(s): High Powered Alien SuperRifle (6x, 12x, 20x Scope (All in One), Face Melting Fire Shot) 

    Appearance: Very tall for his age, and with a little training, we can get him to where we need him. (Image Below)

    Skills and Powers: Cloak, Very Agile, Very Keen Eyesight, and the ability to hear his targets for over a mile, maybe more.

    Bio: Born on the planet of Exxcceter. He was always very, very intrigued in weapons of "mass destruction", making his own at age 6. (Very Intelligent, as he was born into a family of "riches", and had all the general knowledge of a philosopher.)  Family abandoned him at age 10 as he wound up killing almost all of Exxcceter, and its people with it, with his very own gun he made. He was soon "dropped" on Earth, and he had a hard time adapting, as he spoke little to no language, but that didn't bother him, he was more the silent type anyway. He does what he is told, and does it with amazing "style".





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  4. Remember when they had "easter eggs" to look out for in H3. Yeah, I want that back. Like now. Halo 5 better put some amazing EE's in that damn game like Blue Team or Skulls again. Do you know how fun it was trying to challenge yourself to find all the skulls, and that feeling you got when you have that IWHBYD Skull? Oh. Good times. Damn good times lol

  5. See you Onso. :welcome: It was great having your face around the forums. Your play dates were amazing, according to others, as I really never had the chance to join one, and for that, I'm truly sorry. I wish you farewell, and just because your leaving for good, doesn't mean you should forget us. Good luck in advanced for the future ahead. 


    I follow this quote everyday:"The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention... A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned word."


    Follow that, and you will go far. Actually, you have done this, you have listened to us through the years, you made everything that we wanted, well, most of the time. So, with that, I wish you farewell, and bid you great beings in the near future! :D

  6. Very, very hard decision. Very good men on both sides, question is, can the other out gun me? Possibly. Will it hurt, yes. Will I get my revenge...yes. Good Luck. OS for me. GDR I like your fire, but will it be enough? What am I kidding, that was all just bull,  :hrhr:  I am not the best, and I'm also not the worst. I will put up a fight, I will not back down, I will not go home empty handed with a couple of hostile dog tags to hang on my ever ending collection of already abundant hostile dog tags. :3


    *I pondered this all day. Hopefully I made the right choice.*


    *Might not be able to make it. Does this require DLC? If so, scratch me. Send me home.*


    *One more thing, I don't have Halo 3 anymore, and Reach as well. (Little Xbox was hungry for laser burns) So...yeah...Those I cannot participate in..Sorry*

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  7. What do you guys think about this, and possibly why do you (people that have played Bad Company) want back from the old Bad Company? What would YOU like to see?


    Eurogame sat down with DICE to discuss a possibility that Battlefield: Bad Company 3 will come into effect, possibly making the best decision in their whole damn company. This is the conversation that Eurogamer and CEO Karl-Magnus Troedsson had, discussing how they "don't know how to deliver it":






    Concerning a new Bad Company installment, it’s not a matter of DICE ignoring their fanbase, they’re just unsure what made Bad Company so popular, CEO Karl-Magnus Troedsson explained in a recent interview with  Eurogamer.


    “Some people say they found the multiplayer controls faster and more direct,” Troedsson told Eurogamer. “Some people liked the single-player and the characters and the humor. People love different things about it. It’s starting to almost get to that place where, if we were to make a sequel to Bad Company, what would than even imply?

    “It’s scary to go back and try to remake an old fan favorite when actually no-one can really put their finger on what it is people love. Bringing back the characters and creating a great single-player out of that, sure, I can understand that.


    “But some people say this: the Bad Company 2 multiplayer is the best you’ve ever done. Okay, why is that? It’s hard for people to articulate what that is, which is actually hard for us. It would be hard to remake something like that. Can we do it? Of course. We have our theories when it comes to the multiplayer.”


    It sounds to me—and you can call my crazy here, Karl—that both the single-player and multiplayer were so good that the Bad Company games offered different things to a multitude of players. Maybe the reason you can’t put your finger on what made it great and people keep giving you different answers is that you appealed to such a wide audience, for once, that a lot of different people found something to love. Definitely not something that can be said for Battlefield 3 or 4.

    Troedsson closed by offering Bad Company fans the faintest glimmer of hope, saying the sub-brand is not dead and it can be revived—unless it’s suddenly revealed that Preston, Sweetwater, Haggard, and Sarge have suddenly become the funniest boys in blue since Steve Gutenberg and gang in Police Academy—but those fans will definitely have to wait at least a little while longer.





    Source: http://www.egmnow.com/articles/news/ea-dice-knows-fans-want-more-bad-company-not-sure-how-to-deliver-it/



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