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Helix Amell

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Status Replies posted by Helix Amell

  1. 95/100 on my final! still waiting on one more assignment grade...

  2. So if there was a Reach event in the coming weeks, who would be interested?

  3. when its -6c and your bus hasn't shown up yet and its been half an hour

  4. Apologies for the absence, short notice trip came up. How's everyone been?

  5. Enough with the chit-chat, let's get some grub going.

  6. Enough with the chit-chat, let's get some grub going.

  7. Power was out for a couple of days, glad to be back. ^-^

  8. I'm in Germany for 2 weeks, Self Destruct is hosting Mafia 13 while I'm away.

    1. Helix Amell

      Helix Amell

      Be back soon ^-^

  9. I forgot to post it on here, but it turns out I'm having a son. :D

  10. Getting married in just over 12 hours. There will be Nolens.

  11. My time online here is crap compared to everyone else.

    1. Helix Amell

      Helix Amell

      My opinion is that if you feel it's necessary for you to take a break then do so. I used to be in your position too, it's just a matter of sorting out whatever is making you feel this way. Like what Alex said, you have shown dedication and really that's all that matters.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Black Ops III, is not WaW II... ;-;

  13. My birthday was cool. It started with Ledgend and I playing Halo Wars against campers for 2 hours and we won. I slept afterwards and had a good day :D

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