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Helix Amell

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Everything posted by Helix Amell

  1. Theres nothing misleading about it as stated in the title, it's a "Script". If it were a video then I would say.
  2. Helix Amell


    Even though I have never met you....welcome back to the forums .
  3. (In a cold, lonely desert wasteland there is a guy with long wavy brown hair, who is wearing rectangular glasses He is wearing black shorts and a ripped orange shirt, revealing his bandaged torso with the Striker agency logo on his brown trenchcoat, the guy has brown sideburns and goatee.) (The wind harshly whipped the strangers clothes as he ventured through the desert...searching for something) (He stops and looks down) ???:It's been a long time since we crossed paths, Reaper. ---------------------------------------------------------- (A robotic silver hand let's go of Sam's bandana which has been torn in two.. the air takes it away) Lt Sam: No...it can't be! ???: Yes, I have returned old friend. ---------------------------------------------------------- Cpt Brad: After the fall of GSD, they took everything. The base, the technology and enhanced it themselves. Lt Sam:Enhanced it? Cpt Brad: Right you are..even the soldiers that walk among this earth. (A group of soldiers wearing the same identical purple uniform are marching in a base.They have a distinctive logo saying N.O.M on the front of their bullet proof vests) COMING SOON.
  4. Hold on....what if say..the persons account was hacked? Would that be different?
  5. Well that's changed. I've changed, I only want to get along with everyone.I do forgive you.What's the past, remains the past.We can't undo it, we can only move forward.We all want to help everybody in some way, human beings are like that. Oh and you will be added to the list anyway, if you still do care .
  6. (DISCLAIMER:-This is so that everybody who was involved gets an apology from me on a more personal level. Many thanks to Yang Xiao Long for the idea. If you're about to use the Poll, just a heads up that Poll votes won't be made public, so don't worry nobody will be singled out) I owe the moderation team and other members an apology regarding what happened a while ago back in July/August time during the incidents with JL / TheDirector and various other times where some reports weren't entirely neccessary. At that sort time of being new many people did not take me seriously and were pretty fed up as I guess you could say there was better things to report but---less of it.( But as I am quite sensitive and sometimes take things to heart, reports come in. Whether they seem ok. Or just plain stupid) Between you all and me it was a huge misunderstanding mostly on my part but also between everyone else who was involved. Which is why I particularly owe you all an apology and because I said some mean things, vice versea. And of course..rumors do spread, they spread themselves. I hope that I and the rest of the team can get along and that you have a brief understanding of this thread. I'm not really one for drama to be honest..I had a bucket load of it in the past before I joined this forum from the very begining. I have been trying to improve my behaviour on the forums for the last couple of days to put myself in the right direction as its not just best for me but I think it's best for us to have the fresh start together, and put our past behind us. Special thanks to Zaguorth, Blake BellaMoMa/ Blake Belladonna and Self Destruct for giving me guidance & support to put me in the right direction. (Note:- This list is abit long) My Sincere Apologies to: RedStarRocket91 TheDirector TheSilverCenturion Bnus Zaguorth Yoshi1176 Church DocSpartanO07 D-38 Boss JL Azaxx Drizzy_Dan TheGermanShepherdD Vaulting Frog Twinreaper (If I missed anyone out, then let me know) -TMM
  7. Nice article brah Poor lizards though..either way could of been worse.
  8. Did you know I base mostly everybody on the forums off my scripts? And did ya also know that...I refer to a lot of things to do with nature in the SB?
  9. It's good to be passionate about something..anyway welcome to the forums Dread ! Hope you'll have a dreadfully good time. (saw what I did dere?)
  10. First off what I'ma gonna say is I'm flattered What an excellent speech! Will of course keep writing, enjoy the month while it still lasts Blakey! :3 I'll leave this video for your..entertainment http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFfLCuHSZ-U well done kakacarrot cake :3
  11. (NOTE:- I did say I weren't gonna make a creepy pasta but I changed my mind. So here's the story, it's in sorta like a documentary done in jokey sorta way) Hello! I'm Mr Masked and welcome to forum members strange addictions! Instead this is a special episode about a guy who has a curse called the ' loves to 1v1 itis'. Here is Biggles story. It was a usual ordinary day some might say.. But I say, they were wrong. My name is Biggles, a member of the 343 industries.org community forum. I was very happy there until one day...it happened! In this Shoutbox, which is an instant messenger device..I had been given a curse! Each day I would ask fellow members if they want to 1v1 me on Halo, the curse was so deeply affecting it had made me lose some of my speech..so everyday I would say 'Wanna 1v1 me?' Because it was the only thing I could say..because a demon had possessed me. Fact: Biggles repeatedly says want to 1v1 me every 24 hours thats bigger enough to fill the population of China.. Over to Biggles brother..BiggleBob. I don't know why he always says that..just help him. Fact: Biggles 1v1's up to 100 forum members every day..that's quicker than pouring salt water into a cup and drinking and going 'ah' Hi everybody my name is Joe! Joe drinks water and spits over Mr Masked. Pfft..back in your kennel Joe! I'm filming! *Fast forwards...* So then what happened was I asked this guy if he wanted to 1v1 me and he finally said the words: Yes I do. He then beat me, I was shocked! The curse was then gone because I've been beaten. Can you describe what the guy looked like? Well...he was wearing a mask and was wearing green clothes. In fact he looks a little bit like you..! Wanna 1v1 me Biggles? Wanna 1v1 me ?? Suddenly.. multiple clones appear asking Biggles the same thing- Wanna 1v1 me Biggles? Over and over...again. Biggles screams like a girl. THE END Ah 1982's thing, awesome.
  12. Congrats, I had some speculation that you would get MoM somehow haha. Keep trying hard Spartan -TMM
  13. I agree. Variety is good. Also why is MoM always the colour pink? I've always wondered about that.
  14. First what I want to say Maestro is that you are a very clever, excellent role model for the forums and a darn well good USF President ! Alot of people will miss you, I will be one of those people.Keep trying hard to succeed, don't give up my friend. Just do us proud when you return. A thumbs up from me _____________ ............................./ :::::::::::::::::::::::: | ............................. ).:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: | ............................. |;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;| ..............................|.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:" ............................./.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;." ...........................|;-;-;-;-;;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;--;__________________ ..........................|;-;-;;--;-;-;-;-;-;-;;-;--;;-;-;--;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;;--;-;-;-| ..........................|;-;--;;-;-;-;-;--;-;-;-;-;;--;-;-;-;-;-;;-;-;-;--;-;-;;--;;-| ..........................|-;---;-;;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;;-;-;-;-;-;-;--;;-;--;;--;;-;--;;-;-| ..........................|;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-; | ..........................|:::.::.:::.:::.::.::.:.::.:::.:.:::.::.:::.::::..:::.:::.:::.::::.:::| .......................... |::.::..:::.::.::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::::::.:::::.:::::.::::.::.::::| ...........................|:::.:.::.:.::.:.:.:.:.:.::.:.:.::.::.::.:.:.::.:.:::.::.::.:..:..::.:| ...........................|.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.| ...........................|'''=''''='''='''=''=''='''=''='''=''='''='''='''='''='| ..........................|"=""=""=""="="="="="="="="="="="="=|
  15. Lol Tucker..there's a difference between a kid with violent tendencies who plays video games and a kid who is mentally stable who plays video games. Personally I play video games for my own Entertainment.
  16. It is down to the responsibility of the parent to decide if their child is mature enough to play them, usually.
  17. Hi Zealous welcome to the forums Loads of peeps have cool stuff here so don't get Zealous. I can see that you're nearly on your way up to getting 5 posts, soon you'll be able to get on the Shoutbox! See you dere. :3 -TMM
  18. Since when did it go from New staff members announcement to the topic of a bacterial virus? wow you guys have your ways of changing topic quick, especially something that isn't on topic.. lol.
  19. Welcome to the forums Apoc! Always looking forward to what a fellow Green has to present for the forums. Maybe I'll add you...maybe not, who knows? When you manage to reach enough posts to get in the Shoutbox, you should pop-up sometime
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