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Helix Amell

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Everything posted by Helix Amell

  1. Well you guys been waiting for this, here I am!
  2. I loved the Walking Dead's Tell-tale game series so I might enjoy Minecraft's story mode.
  3. Congratulations to us? TD, I'm congratulating you! Have fun wearing Orange, you deserve it.
  4. My favourite YouTubers are: Shane Dawson-A inspirational person and does great comedy sketches NigaHiga-Again these guys do awesome comedy sketches and videos about things Ksi- Does gaming videos, his Q&A's and other videos he does are hilarious. ERB(Epic rap battles of history)- Simply because they're ERB. Mr Lee Marshall- His Disco boy acts amuse me. Tomska- An animator and actor, known for his asdf movie cartoons. He knows how to keep people entertained. He too, is an inspirational person when he opens up about what goes on in his life. Oneyng-Funny Irish animator. I could watch his videos all day non-stop. ForrestFire101-Great stopmotion lego animations + acting for his sketches. I like his zombie Xmas specials. RapidFireReece-A friend of mine I collabed with. Reece does mostly Nerf videos, that and mlg parodies. Thunderf00t- Alot of scientific videos, sometimes experiments.Interesting stuff.
  5. What did you used to do when you were a Green member?
  6. Congratulations. Enjoy MoM, it only comes once around to those once in a lifetime on the forums. Make that one time last. Have fun.
  7. Ehmgawd, the month went so quick! Congrats. Wait so Bnus was never MoM?! It was all lies.....
  8. New character: 1.) Spartan(mostly without his helmet) Recon armour 2.) Magnum + shotgun + spike grenade 3.) Jet pack 4.) Name: Zeff 5.) Personality: impeccable ability to lie and manipulate others to get what he wants. He is coldhearted and deceptive to others and often uses dry humour. Vengeful but also cunning, Zeff is a very villain-like person who will do anything in his way to get what he wants even when weakened physically.With a gripping and emotional background growing up, he self devotes an unknown motive that he can get what he wants when he wants, even if it's killing his allies in combat. He is very intelligent, but a very interesting character to follow. 6.) Uses any vehicle he can find. But hornet is his favourite. 7.)How he acts with others is that he can turn people on his side with manipulating them or lying. He can easily find someones emotional weakness and manipulate them that way. But both, what he and helix share a certain similarity alike is that they both can always conjure a great plan. 8.) He collects dog tags, yes.
  9. How long have you had your signature for?
  10. I'm glad that things are going well for you BZ1, as the old saying goes 'in with the old and out with the new' I hope that someone will continue to contain that loving and caring nature for this community throughout and that many will aspire from you as you did.
  11. Your speech has astounded me! You are truly inspirational for the people of the forums no matter who they are- that is what I like about you. I hope you can continue to become that role model, even if you don't have MoM anymore I highly congratulate you on MoM, enjoy it.
  12. Welcome to the community forums. Hope you enjoy your stay
  13. Why are they still doing new movies when they could just make a new series? Anyone know?
  14. I believe there's more than one factor that prevents successful community game events. Here's the breakdown: 1. The main problem is battling against time, when to do it and whether people can make it dependent on the time zones. It would be so much easier if timezones weren't a focus, but in fact they are unfortunately. 2. My second reason is inactiveness, whether it be the people preparing the event have too much on their plate to deal with. Or there's a lack of ideas to prepare a successful game event. It's not just the fact that there's people who don't have MCC, but I think it's also the fact that when game events are made, they're not aimed at the target audience who don't have MCC. I believe there's ways to work around it .
  15. Hi Mark. Welcome to the forums
  16. You're doing far more good than bad, Melody. Don't be so hard on yourself. Focus on the good things you can do. And what ever you do, don't let anyone different think otherwise
  17. Also why do you have what closely resembles a red coloured iron cross under your signature? I'm intrigued.
  18. Hey guys we’ve all been expecting this so here it is! (This is abit late so..) Viewers: Get on with it scrub! Most people on the forums write a speech for their year anniversary, I however have something different to present, I will tell you my story: I joined the 343icf forums in February 2014, at this time I met JackOfHarts whom I developed a close friendship with and has been an unforgettable part in my life, and one of the reasons why I joined and even stayed. When I first joined, I went by the name TheMaskedMan (What an ugly name!) spent most of my time in the shout box or within the offbeat forums, I wasn’t very active. I was also very obnoxious too and I’m sure everyone reading this will nod their heads and agree. Back then I didn’t enjoy my time on the forums as much as everyone else not because of just that but mainly I had trouble with real life issues and made me lack confidence, I even found it hard to post. I felt like I couldn’t get back on my feet. But it changed. I met some of the coolest people on here who inspired me to do things unimaginable that I believed I couldn’t do before. And there was those who I clashed with, but those taught me some valuable lessons which I still hold onto in real life and so I thank you deeply. You’ve made me into a better person. And from that most importantly I found purpose and that is to do what I can for this community. A friend told me that through dark times anyone can get through this, and I believed he knew what he was talking about. Here are a couple of people who I would like to say thank you to: JackOfHarts- A Great friend who defines meaning into dedicated. AnimeAddict- A friendly person to talk to, who is passionate about making signatures, I am proud of you for not giving up on your passion, regardless of past mistakes. Perhaps make a signature for me sometime? C; YangXiaoLong: Keep it real brotha! Melody: An outgoing & friendly person to talk to. GSD: Bark Bark. Arf Arf :3 Halo5Follower: A great asset to the community. Catzooka at the ready. Axilus Prime: Master swordsman :3 we need to get to know each other moar. Fishy: A good friend who is there for you. And a great writer too. Unease Banana: We need to get to know eachother more SelfDestruct: My explosive bud, you know how to party in the SB Bnus: Still up for that Jurassic park game on Reach ;3 Twinreaper: You've done a great deal of helping other people, including myself. I owe you that. Let's have a good one for 2015
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