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Helix Amell

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Everything posted by Helix Amell

  1. Well although the idea of there being an award system based on site activity is beneficial. I believe it could be good if it was put into action.
  2. Vote yes! Lenny needs to be replaced by Elmo.
  3. First off, I would like to thank those who nominated me for congress of USF. It's a great honour to be chosen.
  4. I don't own an XB1 or MCC. I would go to a community event, depending on time I have.
  5. What is the most important thing in your life?
  6. Ooo..that's in fact a tricky one! Well...I don't watch that much anime/manga. But a heart warming moment would be in DBGT, at the final episode as it begins to end, and it flashes back each time to different the moments that were so unique and Golden in the whole of the DB/Z franchaise, some of them were funny moments which made me smile and the part where it flashes to where Goten is reunited with his father, Goku which had struck a little tear to my eye.
  7. If only there was a Homer Simpson Donut skin...
  8. So Director, tell me if you had a time machine and you could travel in time, what year would it be and why?
  9. Are you still learning who you are? Also what would be your favourite animal that you would want to reincarnate as?
  10. I vote for pikmin 2 because it's quite a wacky retro game and also it's just a change of something new to review.
  11. Congratulations Yoshi on your 2nd enlistment on USF president. A fair well done to AnimeAddict and the other competitors who took part in such a lively election. Both good team players.
  12. I myself too have been in your position of where I have made mistakes and have had to apologise for. To me, you are forgiven. I'm very sure that for what you did you will be forgiven by everyone else, I'm sure of it . Yeah at least everyone on here gets on their bad side at times, but the natural fact that it's a part of life. I think that you are doing the right thing by coming to terms with the issue and dealing with it in a civil manner so that you can learn where you went wrong and how you can change your ways positively. I have very high hopes for you, I know you can do great things on this forum. I wish you plenty of goodluck on your journey ahead.
  13. The main purpose of this poll is to: .See if there are any 360 gamers out there who still dedicate their time to the classic 360 rather than spend their time on getting the brand new XB1.
  14. Leaving the forums. Decision of returning or not, has not been made. Maybe I will return in a day or a week, or maybe even more than that. But only then I will return until I have a good reason to be back, but for now I am going my own way ahead. And If I don't ever come back, well let's just say it was nice knowing you all.
  15. I hate the game Xenominer, this knock-off copycat of Minecraft is something that should be avoided. It's Minecraft-like mechanics and structure is very tedious and boring. But above all time consuming.
  16. Yeah, I suppose it would be cool to have a gametype or maybe even a mini-game that Halo 4 flood could have. If it were to be made I think a good name to call it would be 'Incarnation' which refers to taking on flesh. In fact I think I might make a gametype of this on Reach.
  17. I agree with Spyro, just for precautions I think it should be wise to maintain this policy throughout all elections of USF.
  18. AnimeAddict, there's no explanation needed for giving up and being so hard on yourself. It's not the end of the world if someone does not vote for you or if you don't make it. And if you don't it wouldn't really matter that much because all those things you've reflected, such as being a dedicated, polite member, and for the fact that you are respected probably hence why people have responded, now this is coming from someone who has a hard time gaining respect from others. But you know what? Keep moving forward. I hope this helps, AnimeAddict
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