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Helix Amell

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Everything posted by Helix Amell

  1. It's coming up to Christmas very quickly and soon the big day will arrive, an idea that sprung into my mind was that I should make this thread intended for as a Christmas Wish list, just for fun . To make a list you must have up to 3 things minimum. For e.g. It should be laid out similar to this: My List 1. The Walking Dead Boxset Seasons 1-4 2.Devin Townsend's Infinity CD Album 3. Cash: The Autobiography (Johnny Cash Autobiography) So post in comments below your lists too. I'd love to see them!
  2. D365, think of it in another new perspective it's better for having it glitch once and you losing all your in-game progress on campaign during the MCC update which could potentially solve all your other problems that you may experience with the game to begin with (or schoolwork on a powerpoint for that matter ) Than just simply suffering glitch after glitch in a buggy-filled game. Some people would of course go for the easier option, but it's better to be safe than sorry. To me it makes some logical sense. Don't be disappointed that you lost your save, be glad.
  3. Well setting up a petition and then getting everyone to sign it may go well for some in a short term matter but it would be pointless in the long run because by then 343 would get MCC's problems fixed and everybody would be content with it by then. Fan's are too butthurt.
  4. Hi Jack, Could you please make the rectangular Zenos flag into a circular flag somehow? Then Place a Golden Phoenix on top of the Zenos circular flag (as if it's holding the Zenos flag) ?
  5. Hello to everyone who is reading this right now, you may know me as TheMaskedMan, or simply TMM for short. I have an important announcement to make, over the course of nearly a full year being a active member here, sticking with the same name for ages. I got fed up with the same name so I have decided to change my name to: Helix Amell
  6. There was once the story of the ugly floodling, it was so ugly that everyone died. The end.
  7. Hello to anyone who is reading this right now, I want to remind you that you must also take the poll. So usually when members on the forum turn purple it's common, a vast majority of the forums is filled with that classy colour. Some may celebrate, but I have something else in mind and it all starts with this poll. This poll determines a variety of things such as showing what I can do as a Burple :3. A big thankyou to those who took their time to take this poll !
  8. You'll bet that I'll be missing you while I'll be betting that you'll come back Cya Caboose
  9. Yes people have the right to be upset and again I can understand why people who just bought the game would feel this way. But I think you have forgotten that people also have a right to be forgiving for 343i and at least give them a chance so they can come up with a valid alternative solution. Maybe some would disagree like yourself, but do you realise what it would be like if 343i had no support at all?
  10. Well for all you know your views might change once 343i get their hands on fixing the networking issues, etc. Afterall most games when on 1st release usually have a rocky begining, so I wouldn't feel too bad about it . Another thing, it's in fact a collection of different games so surely repairing and fixing bugs would be time consuming, and they may of gotten the issues covered quicker if it wasn't a collection of different games, or for example if they made it just having it being just one game like Halo 2 Anniversary singularly... I think would have a much rather a different story.
  11. Everybody get your spatula's at the ready, let's fry up some grunt fried rice! But in all serious though, these kind of network issues/ bugs are temporary and will eventually get fixed.
  12. Welcome to the forums !
  13. Now we know that MCC has been released in some countries and for some it is not long until it's release date is due and many are excited about what MCC has to offer the Halo community and of course most notably the bring back of Halo 2 multiplayer -which has brought a sense of joy, that this heart stopping moment has made great impact on many Halo gamers as if 343 has answered their prayers on what many fans considered to be their top number one as most wanted on their wishlist bucket load on MCC. So the question would be, what will be the first thing you do once you get MCC? I am intrigued to know that maybe a majority of you will go for the campaign or maybe even the multiplayer or perhaps the forge as well. Post your comments below
  14. Looks like I never got to finally have a 1v1 match against the one and only Biggleman.. I hope you have made the right decisions.
  15. I have no idea who this is but here's a little hello from me hello
  16. Welcome to the forums Jamescax! Looking forward to reading your created works........
  17. I highly congratulate you on your great achievement of MoM, you are a valued member and may your pinkness stand out . And what an excellent speech!
  18. So I made this horror music. lemme know what you think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FA6ByBbaoXk&list=UUKoDwsDu3hUZJ5dpcsWIz2Q
  19. I was bored so I wrote this c: Remember Remember the 5th of November, Lights go out, curtains close, the last pages of history turn over Voices Cry, fireworks light as they sparkle within the moonlight For it is a night we won't ever forget For it is a night that Guy Fawkes, lonesome in his high chair of grief, will regret So for those who read this thread, let us bow our heads and think of a time where we didn't have this life that we now sit today and sigh and say to ourselves 'man I wish I wasn't a speck that was a worthless piece of grass But don't fret, have a blast, enjoy while it still lasts.
  20. Reach took place way before Chief was around to be big, as you mentioned Twin, as Master chiefs reveals his history of how he came to be and defeated that ship in the written novel, 'Halo the fall of Reach'. But at the end there is a special cut scene in Halo Reach that involves moving the analogue stick to the side and you can see what appears to possibly be the chief in a cryo-tube, during the landing of Captain Keyes Pelican in Hangar Bay at the Pillar of Autumn. But Hands down, I would go for Reach on more of it's dialogue, it's very emotive and compelling, especially the menu for Halo Reach brings a sense of emotion through the gamer, seems surreal to some but poetic. Whereas with Halo 3, it was all MLG and multiplayer and the fact that the Chief is in it seems very popular, I think between you and me one of the main reasons that people may not have picked Reach because you don't get to play as the chief. And for many of us it seems understandable for many of fans have waited from the release of Halo 3 (2007) for exactly 4 years until they get to finally have a return for the chief. I believe it's those kind of fans who just don't like change and having to play of somebody else who may not be great as the chief isn't their cup of tea for them..unfortunately but then again to some, it may be. But not to mention, there's other reasons towards it as well, not just that reason singularly.
  21. Welcome to the forums Comrade, I have high hopes for what you have to offer the community forum
  22. Helix Amell

    Mah helmet

    yoshi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j28fLOhepO4
  23. Congratulations rrhuntington! Here is a pink wrench for you :3
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