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Helix Amell

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Everything posted by Helix Amell

  1. eeeeee....what idea do you have in mind? And it's just masked :3
  2. who was with Dr Robert Nevilles side in I am Legend? The answer is GSD.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rrhuntington


      You be taking my jokes ye scallywag! I should Key Haul ya!

    3. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      He strangled GSD...

    4. Helix Amell
  3. I think so many people were begging for Recon anyways, so in the long run it was given to them as well.
  4. Hope you return soon, Arby :3 . School is a vital main priority that should be taken care of.
  5. Well..personally Klyeenafteezy, having different powerups and abilities and all these other new things ATTRACT new people into the gaming community, and if some of us don't like change...well we adapt to it, OR we go to another game that doesn't require change.
  6. RsR and Self Destruct are explosive buddies <3 (left) meanwhile in the mods lair..D-38 boss and Hexter work on a plan (right) TheDirector be like... (bottom left) hellpen9's intro (bottom right) lawl bowlin pin pun
  7. This looks fantastic! I'd love to see it go on PC & Xbox 360, it would make a great attribute to the collection of top trials in the marketplace. The style of game features reminds me of Call of Duty Black ops: Dead Ops Arcade . It's a shame that it doesn't have a multiplayer- it would of been quite good to explore a different gaming experience.It looks very promising but I don't think I would purchase Halo: Spartan Strike though.
  8. Driving with style! 1.21 Gigawatts!
  9. So..if Halo 5 was to bring back old maps from Halo 2-3 era, what sort of maps would you like to have featured in the game?
  10. Ok, so on the Halo 3 Campaign there is a glitch that you can do where you can get tons and tons of marines. To do this, you need to do it on Co-op. Then go onto Covenant, at the beginning there is a hornet when you spawn, you get on it then destroy all the banshees and the anti-air wraith which is on an island full of enemies, destroy the wraith and kill all the brutes then land your hornet there.. A random marine in a hornet will land on the island you are on and you take their hornet and fly it In the water, make sure you're able to spawn back on the island(so to do this you need your teammate on the island while you do the hornet dunking. Then another marine will come in with another hornet then repeat the same process until you get a ton amount of marines, then you and your buddy can have a battle against them. But over doing this is time wasting effort and if over done can make it really laggy, but in the end...it's worth it!
  11. Berry annoys masked... (left and right) Hexter Grief has the one to rule them all.. (bottom left) TheDirectors full profile pic (bottom right)
  12. Welcome to the forums I think you'll have a lot in common with 343ibot :3 since you like guilty spark
  13. Church's Destiny unboxing video(left and right top) BeckoningZebra's doing his bidding for BATMAN... (middle left) Every new member on the forums...EVER! (middle right) spooky centurion & ghost of rrhuntington (bottom left) What If the world was dominated by Caboose..? (bottom right)
  14. What happened to the one logo with 2 years?
  15. Biggles challenging GSD (left) Jack & Shinya Kogami's fishing trip adventure..(right and all the way to bottom)
  16. This poll was specifically designed so that I can see what kind of stuff you would like me to keep posting or simply to try out something new. This is your chance to shed some light into what you want to see in terms of threads. And to also see what needs to be improved on and what can be done. I know some of you who are reading this will think, Mask why do you need to know what people want? Isn't that abit unnecessary? Well, I believe it can be necessary as it can be beneficial for myself in the near future to know what appeals to the average viewer, with a little help of constructive thinking.
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