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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Minionz


    Again nice to meet all of you, and hope to play with some of you soon!
  2. I sure hope that they can, I'd love to see how well done and creative this one will be. Hopefully it will live up to expectations that halo creators are giving to everyone about Destiny!
  3. I really dislike the weapons that take so long to reload and by the time it does your already dead. Another thing that bugs me is the fact in infection/flood there are limited amount of maps to play on I'd like to see that expanded more.
  4. Ricochet is fun, some maps make it hard to play on than others but overall I like ricochet.
  5. My favorite map is haven and simplex My least favorite map is shutout
  6. Minionz


    Hi and thanks for the welcomes!
  7. Minionz


    Hi! I'm Minionz, I have been gaming for very long time. Yes I am a female but don't let that discourage you from playing with me. I am very friendly, but serious while gaming. If you want to play halo 3 or 4 just add me! Cya on the battlefield. - Minionz
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