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  1. ok im having a downloading issue of the map packs after purchasing the map pass. the map pass downloads & installs fine. when i click the confirm purchase for the map packs it gives me an error status code 80123003. also says " sorry, theres a problem with the xbox service. try again later. for help with this problem, go to www.xbox.com/errorhelp. but ill go to active downloads and it shows crimson map pack start downloading and the other 2 in the pending positions. i was patient about a dozen times trying to see if it will complete. they all will get to about 98-99% and say download cant complete. i was online with xbox tech support for about 6 hours. i did all the suggestions the site said to do, the tech ran me through them again and some other things. got a file number when he exahsted all he has to work with and i guess someone will get back to me in a few days. i am wondering if anyone else may have run into this issue. ive done everything but try another system. tried another hard drive, usb memory stick, delete everything related to halo 4. second hard drive was formated with the current system update, and tried all the same fixes but still the map packs wont complete downloading. im on my way to pick up a second system to test on there. (boss owes me a few days pay so gonna trade for pay). the system in question i have is a halo 4 edition with the factory 320 gb hard drive. the second is a separate purchased 320 hd, the usb is a newer lexar 32gb usb 3 drive. my connection test passes everything. ive cleared the cashe and rebooted in several different combinations. i can redownload from history everything but the map packs because they dont complete so only the map pass appears there. so it seems to be stuck in a messed up loop. also i noticed that before i download the map pass in the game store 34 items are listed and after the error only 18 item are displayed. so im hoping someone who went through this can shed some light on the subject and may have a clue as to why and hoping a solution i also forgot to add i did buy n download the season pass for black ops 2 and all content successfully and the latest gts5 tu update installed fine as well
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