Remember the 1-hit ko Scarab Gunner. The handheld sniper rifle Magnum and the sword in the stone? I have a perfect idea to get them back in the game. Legacy Weapons. Eastereggs for classic weapons everyone know and love. They will be ultimate weapons, godlike, so bad that sane halo players will be like "0MG H4X U $UX!" Here they are. Combat Evolved Magnum: This pistol will be epic. it holds 343 ammo, uses standard magnum ammo, does as much damage as a shotgun from 200 feet away, and has a 7.7x scope. this beast is awesome. It is cool. Epic. Good. Reliable.
How to get it on Multiplayer (If you want to rage the kiddies do this!)
REX Sword: this hyper realistic beast of an energy sword has a hyper realistic infinite battery and has a HYPEREALISTIC BLUD GLOW
Fist of Rukt: This big gravity hammer on steroids has an largely infinite battery and has more massive powerful physics, a hit on it has the effect of the sputnik skull on the poor sap who is hit and he is blown to Neptune which is a big planet.
Scarab Gun: OP to the next level. This op teal plasma rifle fires o[ scarab beams that destroys even liches and Scarabs quickly. It instakills all but the massive vehicles like I just mentioned. It will be so OP you would have to nerf the nerf nerfing the nerf for this weapons nerf!
Oddball: This scary skull scares stupid covenant silly with super strong swipes of power.
Golden Warthog: This 48 caret vehicle has fires with a 500,000 dollar Gauss cannon that fires 15,000 dollar Gauss rounds like a standard turret. It has a $1,500,000 titanium alloy with real gold plating. It goes as fast as 95 miles per hour and can withstand 2 splaser hits until it shows wear and tear.