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Everything posted by zRexx

  1. That's why I plan to try and get these mods taken down by proving to the admins that they're corrupt.
  2. Has anyone else been banned unfairly from Halo Waypoint? I was banned for "using multiple accounts", and the monitor, DeepCee, linked me to a few xbox live accounts that were on my console, but I myself never even used them on waypoint (or even logged into them for that matter). So essentially I was banned on Halowaypoint for something that I did not do on Halowaypoint. How can you just ban someone because they have multiple accounts on their console? For starters, just because there are two accounts on the same console or IP doesn't mean they're the same person, it's called having a shared computer or console. With my rant over, does anyone know of any specific incidents of corrupt moderation on there? I'm looking for people to help me out and try to get a few corrupt moderators removed from their status, including DeepCee and anyone else that people have had problems with. All I want to do is try and put an end to the corruption, seeing as waypoint is the main Halo site.
  3. No Sprint No Classes Random Ordnance in Casual Playlists only (mixed in with normal weapon spawns) No Personal Ordnance Descope Armor Abilities as pickups only Halo CEA Elites/Grunts Take out DMR (the LR fills it's role and is balanced better) Increase Carbine Rate of Fire Like Boltshot's Primary Fire (Less Damage/Range) Keep Weapon Hitscan Tighter BR spread Oddball Throwing No Flag Dropping Flagnum Spectator Mode Return of Assault, VIP, Juggernaut, Headhunter, and Invasion Add Domination (Unreal Tournament style) Co-Op Survival Horror Mode with Puzzles and Exploration (post-apocalyptic alternate timeline, playing as ---ODSTs, health packs required to regn health) Increase Blood while adding Gibs No Dual Wielding Bring Back Falcon, Revenant, and Chopper Add Sea Vehicles Give maps more dynamic elements like traps and switches Nerf Rockets to make them more situational Add metal background music to multiplayer Default thruster pack More humor in campaign Less linear mission design Silenced SMG Halo 4's Art Direction Ice Shotgun (Cryoshot?) Flamethrower Black Hole Gun Minigun (replaces SAW, has an endless clip, has to spin up before firing, slows down movement firing or about to fire, more balanced) Plasma Rifle with Stun First Person Vehicles Replace Damage Boost with Camo
  4. As much as I like the flood as an enemy faction I feel that bringing them back would ruin the whole point of the Halo trilogy. If they came back, that would mean the Chief spent three games accomplishing nothing. It'd mean he didn't kill the Flood, he didn't kill the Covenant, it'd mean he didn't kill the Sentinels, it'd mean Johnson died in vain, and it'd mean you never avenged Captain Keyes. I mean, coming back from the dead is fine with Bowser but for any game with a focus on it's storyline...no, just no. I mean, it only took three games for Doomguy to defeat the forces of Hell (including Doom 64) and it took only one game for Bayonetta to kill God. Why should it take six games for Chief to destroy the Flood? I mean, they're harsh but they're no demons and they're definitely not God.
  5. Essentially. But I haven't seen it yet so don't spoil it unless you wanna see me crap a brick.
  6. Just let me run Halo 4's matchmaking. Players will come running back to matchmaking in hordes as nearly all playlists will have descoping, 5-second respawns, no sprint, minimal random ordnance mixed with normal weapon spawns, 120% movement speed, no perks, less customization (only primary weapons and AAs), players forced into game chat, and a better lineup of playlists consisting of Team Slayer, Big Team Battle, Team Snipers, Team SWAT, Rumble Pit (mixture of slayer and objective modes), Capture the Flag (with one flag, neutral flag, and multi flag variants), King of the Hill, Oddball, Assault, Territories, VIP, Multi Team (four teams of three), Double Team, One-on-One, Action Sack, Grifball, and Team Throwdown.
  7. gnuhellhouse.weebly.com Hellhouse is a really cool competitive military clan that's like a close-knit family and is maintained to have very little drama. The website has all the information you need plus a recruiting page is there if you wanna join. Members of any age can join but maturity is required. We'd love to have you join us. GNU (Gaming Nerds United) is a community made up of various clans. I'm part of the GNC (Gaming Nerd Council) which supervises and maintains the community. Oh, and by the way. Clans in GNU aren't your usual military clans. They're a lot more friendly, fun, and close than what you'd might expect.
  8. gnuhellhouse.weebly.com Hellhouse is a really cool competitive military clan that's like a close-knit family and is maintained to have very little drama. The website has all the information you need plus a recruiting page is there if you wanna join. Members of any age can join but maturity is required. We'd love to have you join us. GNU (Gaming Nerds United) is a community made up of various clans. I'm part of the GNC (Gaming Nerd Council) which supervises and maintains the community. Oh, and by the way. Clans in GNU aren't your usual military clans. They're a lot more friendly, fun, and close than what you'd might expect.
  9. gnuhellhouse.weebly.com Hellhouse is a really cool competitive military clan that's like a close-knit family and is maintained to have very little drama. The website has all the information you need plus a recruiting page is there if you wanna join. Members of any age can join but maturity is required. We'd love to have you join us. GNU (Gaming Nerds United) is a community made up of various clans. I'm part of the GNC (Gaming Nerd Council) which supervises and maintains the community.
  10. gnuhellhouse.weebly.com Hellhouse is a really cool competitive military clan that's like a close-knit family and is maintained to have very little drama. The website has all the information you need plus a recruiting page is there if you wanna join. Members of any age can join but maturity is required. We'd love to have you join us. GNU (Gaming Nerds United) is a community made up of various clans. I'm part of the GNC (Gaming Nerd Council) which supervises and maintains the community.
  11. gnuhellhouse.weebly.com Hellhouse is a really cool competitive military clan that's like a close-knit family and is maintained to have very little drama. The website has all the information you need plus a recruiting page is there if you wanna join. Members of any age can join but maturity is required. We'd love to have you join us. GNU (Gaming Nerds United) is a community made up of various clans. I'm part of the GNC (Gaming Nerd Council) which supervises and maintains the community.
  12. zRexx

    Pro Playlists 343?

    I knew that lol. I was stating a personal idea.
  13. Please no. Bring dual wielding into Halo 4 this far into its life span would destroy all balance as we know it. Space aliens would invade the Earth, pigs would fly, and Barney the purple dinosaur would become a reality. Michael Jackson would also come back from the dead as a demonic spectre with the element of fire and steal helpless little children from their neighborhoods. Everyone would be doomed as we know it. God help us all.
  14. I feel Halo 4's small population stems from there not being any playlists that lie in between the chaotic unskillfulness of the Infinity modes that the noobs and casuals like and the strict yet elite hardcoreness of MLG that us nerds like. There's nothing midcore with Halo 4's matchmaking. It's either too casual or too hardcore. If you think about it, Halo 3 handled the midcore crowd perfectly.
  15. I hate Halo 4 matchmaking (exception being Team Throwdown). It's simply not competitive enough for my tastes. I like to have some purely casual playlists, but it shouldn't be the majority of the game. To be honest, most of my fun in Halo 4 multiplayer only comes from my experiences in competitive customs with my fellow clan members. Although they have Pro gametypes in some playlists, I want more playlists made entirely of game types like these. When I go to a playlist, usually I want to have a balanced competitive experience but instead what happens about half the time is that an infinity gametype is voted, and we all know how much of a mess Infinity Slayer is. My proposal is that 343 Industries adds four playlists to Halo 4 that'd fit solely to the more competitive crowd. Not as strict or harsh as some players find MLG/Team Throwdown to be but not as chaotic and unskillful the normal playlists can be. These playlists should have preset loadouts, 5-second respawns, a number of armor abilities a player can choose from (Hardlight Shield, Thruster Pack, Regen Field, and Hologram I think would be good), static weapon spawns (maybe there could be SOME random ordnance but weapon drops would need one or two clips worth of ammo each, and would need to be sparse), 120% movement speed, and maybe enhanced versions of active camo and jet pack could be picked up by players on the map. For team based modes, players should also be forced into game chat. The playlists would be Slayer Pro (4v4), Rumble Pro (8 players), Objective Pro (5v5) and Doubles Pro (2v2). Maybe if players wanted it, there could be a playlist called Duel Pro which would essentially be 1on1. What do y'all think?
  16. I'm not really a fan of it. I feel Halo 4 matchmaking has enough casual stuff inserted into it. It needs some more competitive playlists.
  17. zRexx


    I feel that the possibility of being yoinked is what makes assassinating a player take more skill, because you have to make sure no one's gonna be there to steal it. Besides, if you get yoinked, it's your fault for trying to assassinate. You should've just beat down. Sure it's less satisfying but it's more tactically smart if you really think about it.
  18. zRexx


    Personally, like with many other things, it can range from funny to cruel depending on how it's used. Think of it like Trolling. If you're just having some humorous, light hearted fun with friends and everyone's just messing with each other to have a good time, then it's alright. If you're doing it to bully someone online, it ain't cool at all and you should really stop it. It's like comparing those mean, harassing youtube videos of adults bullying little kids online versus a group of pals laying loose late at night, goofing around with each other in a chaotic custom game. It's not only what it is but how its being used that matters. Same logic goes for teabagging. One could be teabagging as a small, yet funny joke while another could be doing the same exact thing but with the intention of calling the player out as a pathetic noob. The multiple different uses for one thing can stir up some confusion with your fellow players and if they are offended by it, make sure they know it's all in the name of good fun and you're not meaning it in a bad context. As long as someone isn't teabagging, trolling, etc to be mean to an individual there's no actual problem at all with it.
  19. •Sprint (I'd rather have no sprint with 120% movement speed instead so you can move fast and shoot at the same time and the game'll never kill your pace after moving fast for a few seconds, plus if they remove sprint, strafing in general be more important and reliable at the same time) •Customization (Personally I'm okay with being able to choose your primary weapon, but that's it) •Perks (Not a fan of it for any FPS as I prefer it when all players have the same attributes) •Grenade Indicators (I'd be fine if there was just a trail of light behind frag grenades as a heads up for players, but having an actual indicator makes it so you don't have to pay attention and look at/listen to your surroundings which is a bad thing •Aim assist (lower it) •Bullet magnetism (lower it) •Instant Respawn (Wouldn't be bad at all for FFA if players respawned as far away as possible from where they died, but otherwise, keep this out of my Halo) •Ordnance in Multiplayer (It ruins the entire point of map control and map memorization, and it also makes everything more luck-based, I'd be alright with Random Ordnance if weapons had less ammo and there were normal weapon spawns alongside it) •Scattershot (Since it's a close range only weapon and shots dissipate after a certain travel distance, its ricocheting ability is useless, making the addition of this weapon entirely pointless aside from the cool incineration effect) •Concussion Rifle (underpowered, it needs more splash damage and less of an arc trajectory) •Dominion (scoring system is crappy and confusing, plus you have to stand around doing nothing to initiate a capture, I'd rather have good ol' Territories) •Regicide (The objective can be pointless as you can get points through killing any other player, it causes competition with players of the same team because instead of randomly assigning a king, it always makes the highest scoring team member the king some times inadvertently causing team members to compete against each other rather than working together to win against the enemy, I'd also rather have VIP and Juggernaut) •No Flag Dropping (Takes away some of the strategical gameplay that made CTF more fun in the first place) •Mantis (Too powerful and too durable, needs to at least be map-exclusive within multiplayer like the Elephant was in Halo 3) •No Forge World (one Forge World beats three clustered, pathetically small forging canvases, and Forge Island was bland and not memorable) •No Invasion (was very epic in Reach, allowed for more creative maps) •No Firefight (I like survival-based game modes in shooters and I'd welcome it's return to Halo 5, especially if it replaced Spartan Ops) •No Plasma Rifle (was an iconic weapon to the Halo series and was relatively unique when compared to the Storm Rifle, which was essentially a repainted assault rifle) •Elite Redesign (They look too savage, tall, and monster-like in my personal opinion) •Watchers (For enemies with the ability to revive the dead, generate force fields over troops, and catch your grenades in mid air, they're way too abundant and hard to hit) •Lack of Humor (The combination of the fact that the Covies don't speak english anymore and the fact that Sarah Palmer makes terrible jokes when compared to the awesomeness of Sergeant Johnson takes away most of the lighthearted fun I used to have in Halo) •Terrible Armor (too shiny, Halo 3's had the best texture, and the Helmets just look plain silly and ridiculous especially the Soldier, Infiltrator, and Pioneer, it's like they were trying to troll us here, I also want the abilty to make your armor pitch-black again) •No playlists that disable parties and private chat (I'd like to strategize and communicate with my team) •No spectator mode (I'd like to spectate without distracting players and autosentries while being able to watch players in their own perspectives at the same time, I still can't believe CoD has this but not Halo)
  20. What are you talking about? You act as if GoldenEye and Perfect Dark were the first two FPS games where you could hold as many weapons as you want? You could do that since Wolfenstein 3D, but I guess since that only had three weapons anyway and it wasn't multiplayer, I guess Doom would be a better example. Nonetheless, having as many different weapons as you want doesn't really take out strategy. Sure having a game set up this way makes it so you don't have to choose between what weapons you should carry, but the more weapons you get, the harder it is to decide what weapon you should use for each situation. Quake 3 Arena and all of its alternate versions are great examples of this. Plus it keeps everything moving. In Halo you can grab a shotgun and feel okay with patrolling a single small area for a while because face it, it's not like there's anything else you can fit into your inventory aside from grenades. Meanwhile in games where you can arm yourself with as much as you want, your always encouraged to engage in map control because there's always something extra you can pick up to add to your arsenal. It's not only great for the competitive experience but also for the thrill. You gradually become more powerful over time as you add more tools of destruction to your arsenal, essentially becoming a one man army at the end of your journey. It makes you feel like you're evolving as time goes on given that you can stay alive long enough. Also it makes things more chaotic and requires you to be prepared for anything, as the enemy may have a powerful weapon hidden up his sleeve. Adding to this, gunfire will always be going off and there'd never be a delay to the action. That's why I feel that reloads longer than 1.5 seconds hurts a game as it kills the pace too much. Although I can understand why people feel this (alongside a classic armor system) would be too game changing. I wouldn't understand people's problems with alternate firing modes though. It'd make some weapons stand out more. Imagine a BR with a grenade launcher or a Flamethrower that could also shoot out fireballs. Why not an SMG with a laser sight you can turn on for extra accuracy but added recoil or less damage? This wouldn't drastically change the core of the game. Think about it: A BR WITH A FREAKIN GRENADE LAUNCHER! WHAT SENSIBLE PERSON WOULDN'T SEE THIS AS PURE AWESOME?!
  21. I never said sniping wasn't easier than in previous games. Everyone knows that Halo 4 has additional aim assist and bullet magnetism compared to its predecessors. Not exactly new information. What I was saying is that the Binary Rifle is hard to no scope with because of it's HUGE reticule. Usually you can only no scope at really close range unless you're lucky, and at that range you might as well be using a shotgun. The combination of its large reticule, laser sight, and small clip size balances out the Binary Rifle. If you wanna talk overpowered we can go back to the subject of Halo's launchers.
  22. The Binary isn't really OP. It has a giant laser sight making it nearly impossible for ambush attacks, it is very difficult to no scope with due to the huge reticule, and it only has two rounds per clip. The Boltshot itself isn't OP, rather it's the fact you can start with it. If you think about it, it's essentially a shotgun you have to charge, otherwise it's a really weak version of the pistol. I'm sure if it wasn't a starting weapon it wouldn't have such a terrible reputation. In fact it actually is pretty sick, just the sheer number of 1sks get annoying. Now onto the topic of Halo's launcher weapons (rocket launcher, fuel rod, and dubstep cannon), they're ALL overpowered. They all require zero skill to use. At least with the Boltshot players have to time their charges and/or keep steady aim over the enemy while it's charging. Even the BFG9k from Doom and the BFG10k from Quake take more skill than any of Halo's launchers and they're considered to be "very rare super weapons" and "free kills" by the developers themselves. My biggest gripe with Halo are the launchers which is why in multiplayer they should just be replaced by the Railgun. Maybe rockets could just appear as an extremely rare pickup with only one clip. As much as I want to believe that the launchers aren't overpowered in Halo, they just are and there's no way I can say they aren't.
  23. Sorry for reviving that old thread. I wasn't paying attention to the date it was originally posted.

  24. Problems with Halo 4 Matchmaking In A Nutshell: •Personal Ordnance (allows power weapons to be HANDED to you, is this a game for babies? it also makes matches more reliant on luck as one guy can get a puny concussion rifle while a guy on the other team can get an incineration cannon for the same exact amount of points!!) •Random Ordnance (makes the game overly luck based, wouldn't be too bad if there were still normal weapon spawns alongside the random ordnance, allowing map control to actually still matter in the game, and on top of that, random ordnance should be low tier power weapons only) •Instant Respawn (it takes approximately 1.3 seconds to kill at the minimum and it takes like 7-8 seconds to fully recharge shields, so if you kill an enemy and they're able instantly respawn where they can immediately kill you with a headshot before your shields have a chance to even slightly recharge, that's just pathetic) •Custom Loadouts + Perks (Why should you be able to customize everything to the point of being able to 1hk at spawn? Seriously? Plus perks take away from one of the main points of halo which is where all players are supposed to be even. Armor Abilities I don't mind as much, at least they're intuitive, but the Perk system blatantly rips off Call of Duty) Problems with Halo 4 Multiplayer In A Nutshell •Sprint (though sprint has been perfected in tetms of gameplay, the overly fast pace doesn't feel like halo at all) •Flinch (the recoil in Halo 4 doesn't really bother me for how it works, as it isn't ruining the game that much it just doesn't feel like halo) •Grenade Indicators (makes it too easy to avoid grenades and sort of nerfs frags overall, I think the grenades being followed by a short trail of light is good enough)
  25. zRexx

    team objective

    Team Objective needs to be added back. Objective Gametypes require more strategy and teamwork than Slayer gametypes, thus taking more skill overall. I'm bored of CTF being the only objective gametype on matchmaking with normal sized teams. Oddball, KotH, and Regicide needs to be on Team Objective. Assault, Territories, and 3-plot also need to be brought back just for Team Objective. CTF variants should just be in a CTF playlist because if it's in objective that's what will almost always be voted for.
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