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Everything posted by Rue

  1. Buying Tomb Raider and then seeing that it's going to be free next month. Rage mode activated.

    1. Sikslik7


      Return it, get something else

    2. Ash


      I think it was a digital purchase, so she can't "return it".

    3. The Director

      The Director

      Lmao that's happened to me three times so far. -.-

  2. Basketball. That's all...

  3. Wow!!! Congratulations Ash, you're awesome! (:
  4. Wow, congratulations guys!!!
  5. Yay! The Director has evolved!!! Congrats dude
  6. You can make it past round one in a forum game of mafia, but you can't make it to state track. I'm very proud of you.
  7. Made it back to state!! #Year3

  8. I used to like Gible, but I find myself disliking them more and more.. Particularly in Mystery Dungeon games lol. Which is strange for me, because I'm usually fond of dragon types.
  9. Dragonite!!! I'd love to be able to fly and freeze things heheh. Plus dragon type Pokémon are the best <3
  10. I think there has to be a healthy mix of remakes and new generations… The problem I have with Pokémon is that they make new generations too close together and I don't have a lot of time process and play the game enough to look for things I've missed the first time… I personally just like there to be space between new generations, but to each his own. I'm happy they are remaking the Ruby/Sapphire games, they were great ones! Some of my favorite Pokémon were from that generation. Of course I still want more generations of Pokémon, just not so close together.
  11. District track tomorrow! *fingers crossed*

    1. Ash


      Good luck Rue <3

    2. Rue


      Thanks Ash!

    3. Fishy


      Break a leg!

  12. Googling things doesn't make your # of posts go up
  13. I've always loved elites, I liked playing as them more than Spartans in multiplayer when that was first possible. I was sad when they took that feature out in newer Halo games.. Now it has to be a specific game type for you to play as an elite, which makes my heart hurt... Anyway, back to the actual question… I thought it was amazing!!! It's all I ever wanted from a Halo game and it was finally happening! Halo 3 was such an awesome game because playing co-op as playing two meant playing as the Arbiter again. The flood sucked a lot, which I hated, but other than that I liked playing as an elite better.
  14. I'd agree with Melody, I definitely wouldn't say Nintendo is the rival of Microsoft or Sony. Their games are classics though, and that's what's so great about Nintendo. I would have bought a Wii U if it was more than just better graphics and recording ability, but at the time of it's release I had just purchased a Wii-- I know, I'm behind >.<-- and I didn't feel the need to get the Wii U. If a new console was released within the next couple of years I could see myself buying it.
  15. Does Celery really burn more energy than it supplies? Is this "negative calorie" thing true?
  16. Maybe if there is enough talk about it from fans it would happen some day, but I'll agree with Caboose… Not for awhile. 343 still has the Reclaimer trilogy to finish, so remaking Reach is probably the last thing on their minds. I am disagreeing with OldWoman, because Reach was my favorite Halo game next to Halo 2. I loved the graphics, firefight, and the story. I thought it was interesting to see what happened before the major Halo events. In short, I would be thrilled if they remade the game!!! However, I don't think it's going to happen… Not anytime soon at least.
  17. Papa's Donuteria tho

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