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Everything posted by Rue

  1. This is really exciting for me! You two are legens on the forum and it's cool to be able to be around when you return to active duty~!!! That's super awesome, hopefully I'll get to meet you two on the battlefield!
  2. Feliz cinco de mayo!

  3. I'm not really sure how I feel about this, actually... If they made a H3 anniversary what would they change? How much could they change and still call it H3? Like if they revamped the graphics and added more things and maps and upped the multi-player could it still be H3...? I feel the same way about Halo 2, but it would still be totally sweet. As long as they didn't add things they have in Reach and Halo 4 I'd be cool with it if they did!
  4. I don't think there will be, Xbox One has special graphics and a whole bunch of other fancy things that would make it hard for it to be on both consoles. Plus, they would sell more Xbox One consoles if it was only for Xbox One.
  5. Awesome... That's pretty much how I'd describe this forum... I think you'll like it here, welcome!
  6. So Ana and Elsa are Rapunzel's cousins, their parents died in a shipwreck on their way to her wedding. That was the ship Ariel saw at the start of "The Little Mermaid." They didn't die, though, they washed up on an island where they had a child named Tarzan. They were later killed by wildcats.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Delpen9


      This reminds me of "Life of Pi"-also a better love story of than Twilight. The Bengal Tiger in "Life of Pi" was the tiger in the "Jungle Book", and Yogi was the bear. The tiger wanted to kill the boy because he reminded him of Pi.

    3. Drizzy_Dan


      Lol at this status and all its comments

    4. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Also... 113 appears in nearly every movie. It's the place most of the animators were taught and all that.

  7. Okay I want to redue that post because it was awful and I'm a dummy... I want to THANK everyone who wished me happy birthday, and I owe Drizzy, Delpen, and Marine an apology. You guys are awesome(:

    1. Delpen9


      You better call yourself awful. You better. :3

    2. Drizzy_Dan
  8. Congratulations brosky!!!!! I knew it all along
  9. Awesome that's exactly the type of answer I was looking for. I will screenshot this and send it to my buddy and laugh in his face.
  10. You look awesome in pink, just throwing that out there now! You completely deserved this, I haven't known you long but lemme tell you when I read my name and saw that cute wave again I couldn't stop smliing, so thanks for that! Your speech was totally rad, I'm really looking forward to seeing you around the forums again, I completely agree with Drizzy_Dan, we should totally hail you! Stay awesome bro
  11. So, I'm in Spanish class, right? A buddy and I are discussing the soon to be ultimate awesomeness of Halo 5. Him: I wonder what they'll do for weapons! Me: Probably something awesome. Him: I hope they have new vehicles! Me: Of course they will, they're gonna be awesome. Him: I'm curious of what the plot will be... Me: Awesomeness. Then, we both look each other dead in the eye. We both know what the other is thinking, but nobody dares to ask the question yet, because this moment is superbly spectacular because it's like through telepathy or something that we both thought of this question at the same time. Six more seconds pass before we both say, "Will it be on Xbox 360?" That's it. The golden question. Him: Of course it's going to be on Xbox 360! Me: I don't think so... It's exclusive to Xbox One. Him: Whatever, you're just a girl. What do you know? Me: I'm pretty sure that's what I heard. Him: You believe everything you hear? Me: Well the special graphics that make Xbox One so awesome probably aren't compatible with 360 games. That kind of defeats the purprose. They would pretty much have to make a whole new Halo 5 version to put it on 360, why would they do that? So now, I may be wrong, or he may be wrong, but I thought I'd ask you guys just to be sure. Do they have plans to make Halo 5 for Xbox 360? That'd be kind of cool if they did, but I think that for the Xbox 360 players they would be missing out on some of the best things that make the Xbox One version amazing (I'm assuming it's going to be amazing). I'm pretty very sure that I read online they were not making it for Xbox 360, but this discussion with my friend this morning has made me a little unsure of my knowledge on the next Halo game. All help is appreciated, thanks in advance!
  12. It was well deserved. They come and go, but the best are always remembered.
  13. Welcome to the forum!!! I think you'll really like it here(:!
  14. Well, that's an interesting introduction~! I hereby dub your intro like-worthy. Welcome to forum(:
  15. Hmmm... Wondering if Delpen made this thread to counter my thread AGAINST betrayal? Still, good write. It was interesting to read.
  16. I never started, never even knew that was possible. Now that I know I still probably won't start... It just doesn't sound like something I'd like.
  17. I'm a definite yes! I love the specializations and what they bring to the game. It's nice that there is such a variety and that everyone can go in a different order. Kind of adds competition to the game. Who can make the best decision, ya know? I am also in complete agreement with the ranking system and how they either need to add more ranks or slow it up a little. I wouldn't mind if tney brought back different metals for each rank, the Reach ranking system to me was spot on.
  18. Well, hoping you have an awesome time on the forum!!! The members here are friendly, and you're sure to find every type of personality under the sun(:
  19. When you are a lower rank and you are doing matchmaking you often get grouped with players with levels close to yours. At my friends house I wanted to play Halo 4 but she was rank 1, and I didn't mind playing a little with her starting over again. I noticed that it was significantly easier for me because I'm really a rank 83 hehehe. Plus I've been playing Halo since Combat Evolved! Some of the playlists are different. There is Rumble Slayer, Slayer Pro, Infinity Slayer, and many others. Some of these you don't get to choose your custom loadouts, you get to choose from default ones. I really recommend Halo 4, it's an awesome game!
  20. This looks like a fun project, hope it really succeeds! I'll definetely keep checking the udates. Best of luck!
  21. There is a website I know of called Chickensmoothie. You can post art, they have a nice forum, and you can even collect pets and trade. It's fun, I'd recommend it for any age!
  22. I think I'm missing the Gamer award for competing in a community playdate!
  23. Thanks Shock!!! Nice to hear from you again(:! Lol no problem Delpy
  24. I think that all of the changes keeps Halo a good franchise. If they kept all of the old things and kept bringing them back, I don't think the game would get anywhere and people would get bored with it faster. Some of the things on your list I do agree with, but if 343 did all of that I think more people would be done with Halo.
  25. We all have run into THOSE players before. Players who find ways around the betrayal system. Players who destroy your vehicles. Players who yoink you. If you haven't run into one of these players before, then it's probably you and you should totally knock it off. Like, seriously... Not cool. If you are one of these players and have looked for catalogs, Halo guides, television shows, documentaries, or even whole websites on how to change but have found nothing, look no further! Following this guide should be able to help you on your way to becoming a better teammate! Readers: But Death, why should we bother changing at all? DeathByFae: Excellent question! I'm glad you asked. Being a bad player can cause other players to avoid you, which in turn lowers your rep. Readers: Ooookay. Why should I care if players avoid me? If they don't want to play with me it's their loss! DeathByFae: Oh yeah? What if every player in the Halo 4 community were to avoid you, leaving you with nobody to play with? Who's loss would it be then, punk? Readers: ....... DeathByFae: Exactly. Now shut up and pay attention. So now, the moment you've all been waiting for... What NOT to do! Don't betray teammates on purpose: This is very annoying, especially for players who have just gotten a great oridinace drop, a killing spree, or finally got into that vehicle they have been waiting all game for. This is immature and can really grind peoples gears! Also, if somebody betrays you and it's clearly an accident, you don't need to press 'x' as soon as the option to boot them pops up. People make mistakes! EMPing your teammate for the vehicle you wanted: Now THIS is one thing that really grinds my gears. Your game loads, and you know the map perfectly. You spawn, the location of the nearest ghost on your brain. Taking off at a sprint, you notice your teammate has the same idea as you. You stay focused and keep going, hoping you get there first. Your heart skips a beat when the action 'press x to drive ghost' appears on your screen. You have it! You're in! You go to zoom off, when suddenly your ghost is EMPed. You move your screen around frantically. Is it enemy fire? Your ghost is ready to go again, and once again you try to take off, only to be EMPed once more. You finally figure out it's your teammate, his jealousy causing him to make rash decisions. After a few choice curse words, you attempt to go again, only to be EMPed. He has to run out of bullets sometime... Yoinking teammates: This is an unwritten rule. You don't yoink your own teammates! It's a different story on rumble pit, but when you have teammates, you should let them keep their kills. Imagine, you're about to get a killing frenzy, and during the heat of battle you accidentally hold the melee button down for too long. You start the animation for the awesomest assassination of your game, and pray that you don't die before it's over. Suddenly, your teammate yoinks you and you take a DMR shot to the head. I can imagine how you're feeling, it's happened to me before. Don't be the teammate that causes someone that much sadness! It's not fun! Teabagging: I'm not sure why I decided to put this category on here, because I think it's completely appropriate in team slayer. Only to players of the enemy team, of course. If someone just got owned, they deserve to be teabagged. Period. It makes it even funnier if you are a chick! Obnoxious on mics: Some people just shout and hoot and yell into their mics like crazy. Don't get me wrong, it's awesome, unless it's stupid annoying things that don't make sense and curse words and racism and sexism and smack talk and prejudice stuff yada yada. Nobody wants to hear that crap, why can't you just shut up and play some Halo? So there you have it. Well, some of it. These are only the things that I myself have witnessed, but I'm sure there are numerous more things. Remember, DO NOT continue to do these things if you want to be a good teammate. If you have read the entire guide through and it hasn't helped you, I think that you are a special case and will always be considered a bad teammate. Don't be ashamed if you are one of these people, sometimes it's just apart of your personality and can't be helped. If I forgot something that you have experienced, be sure to add your input below. Thanks for reading!
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