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Everything posted by Rue

  1. Everything is Awesome- The Lego Movie
  2. Sorry to all for not making the event on Satuday, we stayed at the hotel one extra night and I ended up getting the flu. Yay me! Anyone care to tell me who won?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TDM


      The forum won yet again! Hope ya feel better.

    3. Rue


      Well that's just super~!! Good job guys. Thanks, hopefully I will!

    4. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      Ninjas were trashed


      We won, despite trolling the heck out of each other, betraying and yoinking and kill stealing and trash talking other unto Sparkelia

  3. My only wish for Halo 5 is that they bring back the Halo: Reach armor. That armor was awesome, all of the helmets were totally cool, and it was easy to distinguish between a male and female spartan. The Halo 4 armor looks kind of goofy and disneyish. I don't really like the rank up system in Halo 4 either. It's really boring, and I enjoyed seeing the new shiny medals I earned for leveling up. I also don't like the specializations very much.
  4. I'm in complete agreement with the losing experience and skill points for quitting a game. Just yesterday I found that it was only I and one other spartan on a team in BTB against the entire other team. I stayed for the whole game, but we really didn't stand a chance. My k/d ratio was significantly impacted. I'm not completely againts the ordinance drops, a lot of you around the forum have been complaining about how it takes away the skill factor in the game. I think that it provides opportunity for less skilled players. ~ Sprint is one of the awesomest features in the game to me, the fact that mobility gives you unlimited sprint is another plus. ~ One of the things about H4 that I hate is that after you get hijacked, you are temporarily slowed so that you can barely react at all. By the time you are able to react it's mostly too late, and the hijackers have either splattered you or blown you to kingdom come. Overall I think that Halo 4 isn't the best halo, but is still very awesome though :3
  5. Ooookay my day is totally made :)

  6. My copy of Reach got laserburned and it made me so sad! I'm jelly of you all right now
  7. Electric City- Black Eyed Peas
  8. Well hello there. Have we met? Of course we haven't I'm a newer member!
  9. My plans as of now are that I will be attending, but ultimately it depends on if I make it to state track again.
  10. They did tone it down quite a bit but I'm not complaining because this will be the first Halo I've beat on Legendary... I know it's embarassing, don't make fun! I'm probably the only one who things that the easier Legendary is a plus. To be honest I was hoping that I just got really good at the game, but this topic just killed that hope. Thank you very much for crushing my dreams!
  11. I haven't played much Grifball but the few rounds I have played I did notice that. It isn't cheating per se, it's just kind of an unwritten rule that you shouldn't do because it's kind of noobish to me haha. If they did something to fix that, I really do wonder how?
  12. Yes!!! Nah just kidding UNSC Spartan-II?
  13. I noticed that as well when I went to action sack that Husky Raid was the main thing being played. When I first got onto the playlist it was so awesome... But that was the first ten times I played it. After that it got annoying and I couldn't understand why everyone kept voting for it. I haven't really played action sack again since that, I don't think it'd be a bad thing to put it in its own playlist.
  14. Welcome back! Hopefully we get to know each other!!!
  15. Happy Easter yall :D

    1. Mothy


      Happy easter

    2. Delpen9


      I'm happy that Easter is happy!

    3. Sadly Just AL
  16. A man made it and sold it, another man bought it but didn't use it, and another man used it and never saw it. What is it?

  17. Welcome to the forums little fella :3
  18. Well I just recently joined the site.........
  19. Welcome to the forum!!! Just so you know I'm also a fan of machinima(:!
  20. Happy- Pharrell Williams
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