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Everything posted by Rue

  1. Rue

    April MoM!

    It was bound to happen, I called it :3 Congrats!
  2. Hardy Har Har, nice try! Posts don't match up punk Oh, and congratulations Unease P34nut on MoM!!!
  3. I tried the site, but it says it hasn't been published yet!!!! *le gasp!* Why you no publish site?!?!
  4. Just did my first review :3

    1. ShockGazm


      What did you review? :)

    2. Rue


      The awesome stuff about Halo 4 and the not so awesome stuff about Halo 4 :D

  5. Hey all, DeathByFae here, you can call me Fae, Death, or whatever else may float your boats :3 This is my first major post on the forum, and my first review. Basically I will be going over the pros and cons of Halo 4, how it compares to Reach, where I think it stands amongst the other Halos, if I would recommend it, and of course I will give it a rating. Hope you enjoy, your comments are welcome below, and be sure to critique my review, I'm always looking for ways to improve! Thanks and hope you enjoy! Okay, let's start with the cons. Armor Don't get me wrong, the armor is cool, but I think that it really downgraded from Halo: Reach. Reach had less helmets, but in my opinion the helmets were much cooler. The Halo 4 armor also has a different quality, it looks more cartoonish/disney compared to the Reach armor. It was also easy to distinguish a male spartan from a female spartan in Reach, and in Halo 4 it is kind of harder to tell. Not that it's a big deal, I just like being able to distinguish the spartans. If I'm kicking someones butt, I want them to know I'm a girl Ranks The ranking system in Halo 4 isn't very creative, and is kind of boring. I really enjoyed ranking up in Reach because of all the different and unique pendants. I liked seeing each different medal I got when I ranked up, and as you got higher in rank, they got cooler. I also couldn't help the feeling of being a boss as I had the skull visor and was an Inheritor rank. Ordinance It's cool to get a power weapon and everything, but it does kind of defeat the skill factor in memorizing maps and such. Plus, sometimes you don't get very good ordinance choices. Boosts Speed boost and damage boost to me are kind of pointless, and with all of the other things Halo 4 has such as ordinance drops, armor abilities, and customized loadouts, I think it can be a little overwhelming for some users. One of them being me I never really know which to choose haha. They also don't last very long, and after you die, even after you have just gotten it, when you respawn you've missed your opportunity. Weapons/Grenades Some of the new weapons are very cool, such as the binary rifle, light rifle, and incinerator canon, but some of them are pointless. The Scattershot for instance is not as strong as a shotgun, and it is harder to aim and loses it's power the farther away your opponent is. The storm rifle is also pointless, and I do miss the plasma rifle and thought that it was one of the original iconic things that was apart of Halo. The plasma and frag grenades are still awesome, but the pulse grenades are very weak and almost always useless. I still have yet to successfully kill an opponent with a pulse grenade. Double Team Matches Double team matches are matches that put two players against another two. I find this kind of dumb, because if you get stuck with a bad partner, your game is pretty much over. I think instead of having two teams of two, I think 343 should bring back the multi-team playlist where they have four or five teams of three members each. No Firefight I love the survival modes in first person shooter games, like zombies in CoD is awesome! I was really dissapointed when they took away Firefight and replaced it with Spartan Ops. I do like Spartan Ops, but if I had to choose between Firefight and Spartan Ops, I would definetely choose Firefight. Characters It was bad enough that they took away Johnson, but then in Halo 4 they made the characters different and not as funny. The grunts don't have their funny little dialogues like, "He killed my friend!" The elites no longer recognize Master Chief as the 'Demon', but rather as something in some language I can no longer understand or laugh at. the brutes were my favorite characters with what they said, and I wouldn't mind if 343 brought them back. Points/Credits System I really enjoyed having to earn credits to purchase cool helmets, visors, and even voices. I think the the skill points are too easy to earn, and players run out of things to but with the points too quickly. Keep in mind that these are just the things that I didn't like about the game, it's my opinion and it is subject to change. Now just because the game has some features I'm not fond of doesn't mean I don't like it! So now for the pros. Sprint I really like what they've done with the sprint, and how everyone has it. I'm glad that I don't have to waste my upgrade on the sprint if I want it. Tactical Packages I think that are awesome extra features that give players a chance to be unique in their ability selections. I hope that they keep this feature in Halo 5! Custom Loadouts I like that players can choose which weapons they start with, it makes the game more fun, diverse, and competitive. Players can also have the opportunity to test out weapons, and see which ones they prefer. Enemies I absolutely love the Prometheans and their story, I think it gives the game an extra challenge because the Knights are kind of harder to kill. They are also really cool. Campaign The campaign graphics and effects are very well done, as well as the storyline. I'm very excited to see the story continue, and I'm also thrilled to discovery that Legendary is easier than it has been in other Halo games. Scoping As many of you Halo fans know, in previous games when you were scoped in, if you were shot you would automatically be scoped out. In Halo 4, it keeps you scoped in even if you are shot. Some of you may actually hate this feature, but I think it gives each player who is fond of the sniper a chance to get some kills. Forge I think that what they've done with forge is perfect, even though most of you may disagree. I love the new maps, and I think that forge is one of the few things on the game I think is perfect right now. Theater Halo is one of few games I know of that actually has this feature in it. It allows you to see what you could've done, and even improve your strategy. It's also fun to watch that awesome round you had and it gives you a chance to take awesome screenshots. This is another feature I think is perfect. Okay, so overall, I think that Halo 4 is not as good as Halo: Reach. It is still cool and has some nice features, though. In the entire Halo game collection, I think it ranks in 2nd or 3rd place for me. There are still some things that could be improved upon, but overall I think it's a nice game that is worth the money. My rating would have to be an 8. Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed, remember that feedback is welcome. What would you like to see in the game, what you agree with and disagree with, and what I can do on my next review. See you on the battlefield? ~DeathByFae
  6. I'm currently looking for a clan, I may hit you up
  7. Just a heads up I think you'll be recieving a message from me on Xbox Live :3
  8. The thing that bugs me the most is the armor!!! I absolutely loved the Halo: Reach armor, but it really downgraded for me moving to Halo 4. It looks more kiddish now, more like a disney movie character. I liked how in Reach you could distinguish pretty easily between a male and female spartan, but now it's hard to do that. The helmets were also cool. I hope they bring back Halo: Reach armor in Halo 5!
  9. I really hope they make Halo 2 anniversary!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rue


      I don't think it'd be a step back if they had a BA multiplayer, though. I just really miss those old maps!

    3. Fishy


      The mp was already BA. But I prefer Halo 2's amazing history to stay history.

    4. TDM


      As long as our buddy chief has the old Mark VI I am A-Okay.

  10. Happy Birthday 343 Industries forum(:!

  11. Really? That's good to know, and I think I'm going to do that right away! Lol the only problem is I have no PS3 though I think I'm also going to wait for some more Xbox One games to come out also, since you can't play 360 games on an Xbox One. ~ Thanks for the information, though, you learn something new everyday(:!
  12. I never knew you, I guess I'm one of the newer generation users you were takling about. But hello! Welcome back and nice to meet you :3
  13. Literally lold at this! Day = made.
  14. You are definetely on this weekend, bro! Do you mind if I send you a friend request on Xbox Live?
  15. I really like Halo, but borderlands has some cool game features as well. When it comes down to it though, I think Halo has a better storyline, better graphics, and overall better quality and worth my money. I'm definetely going with Halo on this one! However, I do like Borderlands, though. Wish I has the 2nd one :3
  16. I still haven't beat the game on legendary, but I will definetely be using this as a guide. Nice job!
  17. Caboose is so duuuumb. Lol luv him doe

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BeckoningZebra1


      ^Who's this guy anyways?

    3. Vaulting♥Frog
    4. BeckoningZebra1


      You can be frog or man, But not both frog and man.

  18. Red vs. Blue season 4 here I come!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Do it. Lots if fun.

    3. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      ;_; the memories S4 was the first season ever saw of RvB have fun watching it :)

    4. Rue


      Haha yeah I'm watching them in order only on season 4 what can I say, I'm a newb :3

  19. I really liked your review, it was really helpful. I was thinking about getting an Xbox One for Halo 5, but the price is higher than I'd like lol. However, your review may have just changed my mind. I think I'll put in the 500 bucks and go ahead and check one out. Thanks, your review was awesome! *goes off to watch some Red vs. Blue*
  20. Thank you all for your answers, they really helped me! I didn't know that editing your post was disable until you had five posts. Thanks for letting me know!
  21. Operation Wetwork = Completed. #thatwasfun #stalkernext #halonation

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