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Everything posted by Rue

  1. Rue

    Hey guys

    Welcome to the forums! I think you'll really like it here(:
  2. Caboose, I literally JUST changed my vote from hunt to Edward... Literally two posts above your own post...
  3. Well, this is an interesting turn of events. I'll change my vote from hunt to EK, since I now have a reason to vote someone.
  4. I'll vote huntington because he doesn't have any votes yet
  5. I'm too gr9 for my own good sometimes ;D

  6. When you forget about da pizza D;

    1. Gemini Dragons

      Gemini Dragons

      I have Red Barons. :P

    2. Rue


      Digiorno is where it's at

  7. I agree with hunt, this format is nice! (The previous format was nice as well, don't get me wrong ) Well done Bnus!
  8. Yeah... Maybe it could be a feature specific to certain game types? Or even something for custom games that the party leader could turn off and on? I'd like it. Omg I miss elites so much! They were pretty epic, I liked when you got to choose between a Spartan or elite in matchmaking.
  9. I'm thinking that if these speculations are true, then perhaps it's a sign of Chief's mental state deteriorating? I mean, he is getting old, and I don't think being in that hot metal suit 24/7 really helps his case. If this does happen, and Master Chief really does betray the UNSC, I think it would just be 343 trying to start something bigger in the storyline. Maybe way more Halo to come, or maybe some epic ending. Let's wait and see(:!
  10. I mentioned this in a different topic, but I think that reverse assassinations would be cool. Like, maybe you have to push a sequence of buttons to perform an assassination, and your opponent had to push them faster to escape or reverse it. I think that would be a cool feature!
  11. Who do you think is going all the way for March Madness? (Obviously going to be Notre Dame, but still thought I'd ask )
  12. I kind of agree with what you're saying, but I think that button combos should be more for assassinations. Maybe certain buttons together make a different kind of assassination? Or I think it would be cool to add something: If someone is assassinating you, you could perform a combination of buttons to reverse the assassination! That would be neat~
  13. And advice on everything in life haha Thanks everyone!(:
  14. Fourscore and 1 year ago minus eighty years, a Halo lover with the gamer tag DeathByFae set out in search of people who had the same interests as her. Since This particular Halo fan enjoyed writing, the obvious thing to do was join a fan forum. After joining Waypoint-- and realizing that it sucked so badly, because the community there lacked any form of… Well, communityism for lack of a better (or real) term-- she thought that there was no hope. She thought that she would never find a forum where people actually enjoyed talking to each other and playing Halo together. It wasn't long before the link for 343i Community Forum popped up, and without hope, this chick (who is super awesome, btw) decided to click on the link. Upon clicking the link and creating an account, this groovy chick realized something. There was a shout box, and people were actually making jokes with each other, and discussing things other than Halo. This is the first thing that really made this fan- Okay, so if you haven't figured this out yet, this is pretty much an autobiography about me, so I'm going to stop talking in third person -stick around. The air was immediately welcoming and fun, with so many interesting people to talk with, it was never boring! So a month passed, and then another, and then another, until finally, today, on this very day, (St. Patrick's Day, to be exact) one entire year elapsed. Now, I know it may seem like but a speck of time compared to how long some other members have been apart of this community, but even though a mere speck, tis been an enjoyable one. So now, what exactly has made this year so interesting? Well, all of you! I love how I can find a conversation about literally anything on this forum, and I love how everyone can joke around with anyone. This truly is a community of Halo fans, and I'm so happy that my procrastination on March 17th, 2014 in Spanish class led me to this great forum! With so many events and interesting people, I'm never bored(: It wasn't long before I stopped coming to the site just to talk about Halo, and started visiting for other things as well! If I wanted to talk about anime, I could talk with Delpen, Ash, AnimeAddict, Melody, Direct_Otaku, and so many others!!! If I wanted to talk about art, I could talk to Jack, AnimeAddict, Austin, and Selfie! If I wanted to just chat with someone about something unrelated to the forum, again I could talk to Selfie, Twin, and Delpen! If I need help with something on the forum, I could talk to Azaxx, Drizzy, RedStarRocket, or any of the Community Moderators! If there was anything on earth I didn't know, I could just ask The Director! If I wanted a friendly conversation, there is Ash, Melody, Edward Kenyway, The Dumb Marine, Halo5Follower, and pretty much everyone else... If I needed some writing advice, I think Self Destruct and Fishy could help me out! There are so many members from so many difference countries that I can learn so much from, and that's something that is so cool! If you weren't mentioned, it's not because I don't love you, it's just because I can't type anymore >.< Anyway, thank you to EVERY SINGLE MEMBER for putting up with me for a year and making it a great one! Hoping to have so many more memories on this forum. HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!!
  15. Hehe, yessss (: Actually, I didn't know that Fishy was a ninja, that's how you know what a super super secret this was. But hi Fishy, fellow ninja
  16. Almost at 1 year!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. joshyzburton



      ^ ^ ^

      Mario reference

    3. Ranger Intel
    4. Rue


      Thanks everyone! Fond of you all(:!

  17. Thinking about becoming a hipster...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Delpen9


      Onlin college isn't worth it RUE!!!

    3. Fishy


      Hipters are people who aren't mainstream... Being Hipster is mainstream... So you gotta be mainstream, amiright?

    4. Rue


      I knew you would all support me! Definitely doing it now(:

  18. I'd have to go with the Sniper Rifle, because if I had any other gun I know I would be tempted to use it on someone… If I had the Sniper I would still be tempted, but my aim is so bad with that thing that I could never hit anyone. Heheh, my logic.
  19. Edited! Editing this because I've been taking to people in the last few weeks Ash Melody Direct_Otaku Fishy Self Destruct
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