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Everything posted by Rue

  1. Rue

    Mafia 5.0

    You say that like something really bad will happen if you die... The worst that can happen is you die and the game goes on lol
  2. Casting Crowns

    1. MCPO Mayh3m
    2. Rue
    3. Delpen9


      I immediately thought this was some sort of TV show.

  3. Rue

    Mafia 5.0

    Well this is turn of events. Axilus was right! Much confusion.
  4. Rue

    Mafia 5.0

    Mmmhmmm. Likely story.
  5. Rue

    Mafia 5.0

    Sooooo you're saying you know N3wsnut isn't a mafian because you are?
  6. Rue

    Mafia 5.0

    How do you think I felt when your kind killed me?! I will be avenged!
  7. I already looked up to all of the new staff members, but now they have the colorful names to boot(: Congratulations all, do the forum proud!
  8. Rue

    Mafia 5.0

    MOM, you aren't fooling anyone with your façade
  9. Rue

    Mafia 5.0

    Firstly, mafians suck. Secondly, nobody vote for Ledgend or Bnus. They are both innocent. Delpen is also innocent. You all need to work together and avenge me!
  10. Rue

    Mafia 5.0

    Well isn't it every 24 hours?
  11. Rue

    Mafia 5.0

    Oh yeah? I'm probably mafian and I don't even know it. Why didn't anyone tell me this sooner?!
  12. Rue

    Mafia 5.0

    Ignore this lol it was an accidental double post
  13. Rue

    Mafia 5.0

    Okay who the heck is JL
  14. Rue

    Mafia 5.0

    I think null is more of an abstract idea.
  15. Rue

    Mafia 5.0

    Whoa, whoa, whoa Delpen. What makes you think I'm a mafian? You probably are, with all your 'theories' and such.
  16. Rue

    Mafia 5.0

    Yeah I change my vote from Oar to nobody. I don't want to kill an innocent and with so little evidence any of them could be innocent.
  17. Is it possible to put a picture from your desktop into a PM? If so can you please tell me how?
  18. Rue

    Mafia 5.0

    Are we allowed to change our votes?
  19. Rue

    Mafia 5.0

    It's mainly because he's been really quiet, Delpen. I think that's why anyway... That's why I've voted for Oar as well. No hard feelings..
  20. Rue

    Mafia 5.0

    But I don't wannaaaaaaa
  21. Rue

    Mafia 5.0

    Do we have to vote at all? I don't want anyone mad at me...
  22. Rue

    Mafia 5.0

    Do we have to vote on the thread?
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