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    Drawing, animating, gaming (duh), and teasing Edward Kenway irl. I also like playing sports such as tennis, badminton, and soccer. Drumming, too.

Mach10Hayley's Achievements


Drone (3/19)



  1. Hayley's on my mind. Das what.

    1. Yoshi1176


      Is there something wrong in your head?

    2. Mach10Hayley


      Yes, no, yes, yes, no, yes, no, no, yes, no.

    3. Fishy


      U lieh. I'm on yo mind. Cus Hercule is de besten scraing.

  2. My imagination is on a very long hiatus. So is my motivation.

  3. I finally solved my 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube! It's time to scramble it up again!

    1. TDM


      Try an 8x8x8! c;

  4. I role play Britain in my social studies class. Apparently, I am a larger threat than France! Why Madison!

    1. Delpen9


      I'm Prussia. Purrr...

    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      I'm Serbia... I'll catch you guys in World War 1 right after I tell my kids again about how we got our butts handed to us 600 years ago.

    3. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      They cannot destroy China!

  5. I convinced Edward Kenway that there was a social studies assignment for our Easter break. He spent days working on a two page essay about Jay's Treaty! He then realized it was a joke!

  6. Yeah! I just removed all potential hazards from my laptop without spending anything!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Akali


      Suddenly VIRUS ;)

    3. Delpen9


      I'm actually a trojan horse. Watch what you say Machy boy.

    4. Yoshi1176


      Would you mind telling me your social security info?

  7. I finally got Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag! However, it's for PC…

    1. Drizzy_Dan


      I've never played a game on PC but they say it's the master race when it comes to gaming. I'm sure once you get the controls down you'll still love it.

    2. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      mods mods mods mods mods

    3. GryffinGuy007


      If you have a good PC, then it'll look better than playing on console. PC master race.

  8. It irks me when I'm practicing my drums, and someone is sitting down and staring at me with a blank expression. It's weird! I'm playing the beat to "Wake Me Up When September Ends", and someone might be like "Wha?" or "That's nice."

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      I hate it when people watch me draw. I can't work under those conditions!

    2. Azaxx


      I hate it when people watch me do anything. lol

    3. Delpen9


      I hate it when people don't watch me.

  9. Thank you Green Day for distracting me from gaming. I was physically active. That's rare!

  10. A thought has just come across my mind. What is the meaning of normal? Everyone is different, so why call someone "normal"? Technically, we're all social outcasts.

    1. Delpen9


      I'm the Prime Minister of Awesome.

  11. My recent post called "Gaming and Behavior" was originally a presentation for a debate in school with Edward Kenway. We won the debate and extra credit.

  12. Some of you may recognize the games shown above. Some of you may have even realized that all these games are violent. Violent video games can strongly impact players, but they do not cause behavior problems. It is a proven fact that violent video games don't cause behavior issues. First of all, from 1992 to 2009, video game sales have increased by the billions. On the other hand, crimes have decreased by the thousands. Most violent video games are rated M for Mature. However only 12 percent of video games rated by the ESRB were given the M rating in 2013. The majority of video games are rated E for Everyone. If parents don't want their children to play violent games, they should READ the ratings that are right under their noses! Guess what? There are even reasons why the game was given a certain rating! According to the U.S. Secret Service, only one-eighth of school attackers played video games. Adam Lanza did play video games, but it was proven that he was on antidepressants. Violent video games can be a substitute to physical violence in adolescents. People can unleash their anger upon virtual characters or items as opposed to their actual peers. Violent games can provoke thoughts that are everything, but negative. Games such as "The Last of Us" can teach us important morals and impact behavior in a positive way. Players can feel happiness, joy, or sadness because of their bond with the characters. If violent video games don't cause behavior issues, then what does? The answer is simple. It's domestic violence. People who are exposed to family issues may have violent thoughts deep within them. "Surgeon Simulator" doesn't make you a surgeon. "Cooking Mama" doesn't make you a chef. So why would GTA make you a psychopath? Consider that and leave your opinion below. I forgot to mention that this was really a presentation I did for school with Edward Kenway in real life. Edward Kenway helped me with it irl!
  13. Despite what many people think, children can learn from electronic devices with high screen brightnesses and lively action. These devices help increase test scores, as well as hand-eye coordination. These devices use video games which are, indeed, educational. First of all, video games can help increase test scores. Genres such as puzzle and strategy are most effective in doing so. According to the Entertainment Software Association, children who played "Dimension M" (a math game) scored higher by 8.07 percent on a math exam than children who didn't play. The genres mentioned before can improve math skills, vocabulary, and/or critical thinking. ("Scribblenauts") Additionally, video games can benefit hand-eye coordination. Genres such as action/adventure, platforming, and sports are most effective in improving reflexes and encouraging exercise. The genres mentioned can help improve physical education grades in school. Gamers will have the ability to react to incoming objects by practicing with virtual ones. Some parents believe that video games provoke violent thoughts. However, not all games are violent. Parents need to monitor their children better. Parents also believe that that gaming could strain children's eyes. As I previously stated, parents need to monitor their children better, but also control their playtime. In conclusion, video games benefit a child's education. They help improve grades both academically and physically. Take a look at your grades. Are you happy with them? If not, take the time to be educated with video games so you can complete your goals and experience happiness through satisfaction. You can post your thoughts about this essay I wrote for school below!
  14. Greetings bored person, I'm a bored person. I'm a cynical, somewhat lethargic, geeky, and devious person. I am more of a classic gamer for I enjoy SEGA... and I own a Genesis... I mostly enjoy platformer games, puzzle games, and some action/adventure. I make fan characters like the one named Mach. Useless piece of information #1: I'm a drummer. If I wasn't a gamer, I would most likely be a hipster.
  15. I have yet to decode my brain's program. My brain is smarter than me. It knows how to protect top secret files in my mind.

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      My brain knows how to do things, but would rather sit back and watch me screw up. #realworldproblems

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