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Everything posted by Warlord0520

  1. I recently downloaded a few games from my history page and i noticed a few "themes" and "gamerpictures" that were discontinued a while ago were still on my history waiting to be redownloaded. This actually was really cool to find out because not many people have old gamerpics/themes, so i selected them and having very few issues with the downloads i stumbled accross a few cool ones once i clicked download it stopped at 35% of the way and said "this item could not be downloaded". Im not sure why this has happened, and im not sure if there is a way to get around it but the items that wont let me download are the "Family guy Vol. 4 picture/theme pack" and the "Comic-con 2007 picture pack". I was able to re-download 3 other discontinued games just fine including UMK3,Yaris, Screwjumper etc.. And there are a few trial games that when i go to download them they say "cannot be downloaded" when they are obviously from download history ever since like 2007 until now. I know this isent a storage issue problem because i have like 190 GB worth of space left. If anyone can help me out this would be really great!!!!
  2. Saw a guy with 55 in living dead, ive gotten 60 in big team battle.
  3. Tbh when i met you i thought you were a meanie but then i realised this is actually how you normally act but in a good way seing as how not every one comes across as a laid back type of person( and you are pretty helpful on this site too when one needs info about certain things). But still, this was a nice read especially for those who dont know you yet. And, i pretty much agreed 100% with everything you mentioned here twinkreaper!
  4. alrighty! add me my gt is crusader zorro ill be on tomorrow if anyone wants to play!!!!
  5. I think halo reach was decent until load outs came along. But the anniversary bundle fixed some of the problems, only if big team battle dident have load outs and if they made playlists with/without load outs would have made the game less cod ish. I played halo4 for a few weeks because I got tired of call of duty and I realized it was just like cod so I quit lol. If 343i wants halo5 to last longer than reach, they need to make it like halo3 but with halo reaches armor system, halo 3's leveling system, reaches rank system, and buff up Firefight and make it like odst firefight was, maybe even add a story to it. Hopefully they figured out by now people stick halo4 in their Xbox expecting to play a cod variant. And I don't like they fact the they add all these new guns w/o letting us duel wield them like in Halo3. I honestly don't think halo5 will be any better, I mean, look what buntie did before they released reach... They put load outs. Look what 343 did with halo4, load outs another cod features that were unnecessary.
  6. I don't see why I would have to do research about a DLC, if it's not playable then why the hell sell it in the first place? Seems very deceiving. And I'm just a little upset because the 3 DLCs were my birthday present for this week and I can't Rly get to play them online but I guess now I know not to buy the DLC for halo4
  7. thats the dumbest **** ever, 50 bucks worth of dlc and every player has to have it. Wow this is so frcking dumb the odds of this happening are very slim. it should have mentioned that in the description when buying it. ffs
  8. i recently got the anniversary, noble and defiant map packs, i know i can play the anniversary maps by playing the "anniversary class/firefight" gametype. But how do i play the other maps? ive tried big team battle, team slayer and living dead and all ive seen is the non dlc maps pop up.. what gametype do i have to play to play this new dlc i got?
  9. Stopped reading after you said "halo 4 was 5 stars"
  10. I actually do better when my team isent there, if my teammates kill me ill kill them till they rage quit then come back and win because every griff game just about there are noobs who help the enemy team and want to F up the match for me but thats ok because they all get destroyed by my grav hammer anyways
  11. They gave me my code early and emailed it to me during beta release
  12. I have both tbh but i normally roll blue flames because i used red throughout beta and for a few yrs lol
  13. Hey guys im here to hear your opinions about the legendary vs eternal flames. There may be other threads out there similar to this one, but one question popped in my mind. How many people have red/blue flames currently in their "inventory"? I know we cant determine a specific amount or population, but i do see a small amount of red flaming helmet people compared to blue flames. Blue flames is cool to have because people who were there when bungie had a special event were able to participate with them and get rewared a nice gift. But, The red flames are for those who pre-ordered the Legendary Edition for Halo reach, i believe these codes are still being sold in small numbers though. So since i covered that up, What do you guys think is the best, and most rarest armor affect out of the two flaming ones compared to the population that currently has them?
  14. Alrighty thanks guys, I know I made a mistake by betraying him due to frustration but Atleast I know the gist of how the betray system works
  15. I get betrayed twice by the same guy and it won't let me boot him in big team battle. Yet I betray him once and it gives him the chance to boot me from the game once I'm carrying our team with 30 kills. Is there a way to get past this knowing how u can kill someone and not get booted? As in, when someone betrays me at a certain time they know they can't get booted. It's like they know they can't get booted at certain times of the game idk. It's just really frustrating. And the only times it lets me boot people is when my team kills me on accident. But when they kill me on purpose they have to do it 2 times for me to boot them. In this case I was tired of him shooting me so I shot him once not realizing his shield was broken and it killed him resulting in me getting booted from the game:( I'm just curious about when people can get booted or is it random. Thanks
  16. when will the update be? O.o i had problems uploading the pic.
  17. so it doesent matter what map you play on? sorry im a noob when it comes to firefight stuff.
  18. me and my dad completed this challenge in firefight co-op and got to the last round completed bonus wave and won and we dident get 30,000 credits. Anyone know whats up with that? it was also on heroic mode and everything.
  19. you know when a vehicle is about to blow up(a covenant vehicle) And it is glowing a purple ish color signifying that it is about to blow up. I was thinking that maybe 343 could make a flaming helmet affect to where it is purple and give it out as a reward to people who play a certain event maybe pertaining to a ghost race event. here is a picture I have found that looks pretty sweet! And maybe this can give people the chance get a flaming helmet affect, but maybe the event can be for a limited time like on an anniversary or something.
  20. I've had this happen a lot unfortunately, but I must say, I have won few games when my team was spawn killing me including the enemy team. First, when you spawn smash your gravity hammer and clear the area in front of you(kill the person who is attacking you). Once you do this, launch yourself to their spawn point and run around so that they are now chasing you at their spawn. So when you die you at least get a chance to roam around while they are trying to get to your spawn point. Try jumping in the air while using the gravity hammer for leverage especially when they are team killing, it seems to affect a wider range also. I hope this helped, let me know if you need anything else! Edited my origional post with a few more tricks!! It's a big wall of post but has a lot of info
  21. Some people may be getting frustrated by how they may be getting killed quite frequently in grifball, but that's ok because here are a few tips and tricks i have that you maybe don't know about: Tips(About Gravity Hammer) When using the gravity hammer, if you jump right after you hit your gravity hammer you can gain leverage on your opponent on the ground since whoever is closer to the swing gets hit harder. Its mainly effective if the enemy is running toward you and is not airborne. If you are playing grifball dash, choose sentry, and right before you hit your gravity hammer, click dash and then swing, this creates more "down force" which results in maximum damage depending on how close you are to your opponent. Remember, try not to rush the enemy every time, as they will recognize the pattern of when you go to attack and they will most likely win if they recognize this. Try to step back a few times to make your opponent swing and miss so that you can get the opportunity to swing away with an easy kill. Once you master these steps, grifball will become easier. Tips(About Energy Sword) The energy sword is not that effective unless you are going for the enemy bomb carrier. Also, if you are facing a team that you cannot defeat them using the gravity hammer due to "lag" or "skill" etc, i suggest using the energy sword. First, the energy sword is affective if you make the enemy attack first and miss which will allow you to lunge straight at them getting an easy kill. That tactic however is very well known so most of the time people don't fall for it anymore. Another tactic that i see rarely is if a bomb carrier is rushing you, try to trick him a little bit by swapping to your sword then back to hammer then back to sword, depending on where he is because bomb carriers wont rush someone with a sword out 95% of the time. When he thinks you are swapping to grav hammer, quickly swap back to your sword, move left/right then lunge at him. Tips(Bomb Carrier) Alot of people will go after the bomb carrier, even their own team which in some cases is a problem. But you can use your team trying to kill you as an advantage believe it or not. I will explain, first if they have a gravity hammer and they are profusely trying to get the bomb from you, simply run and jump when they swing it will launch you to the other side of the court. I also suggest you DO NOT attempt to does this at your own base because if the enemy gets hold of the bomb its a free goal. Make sure your team ALWAYS progresses to mid court and pass that, i cannot stress enough how overbearing it is to try to get out of being spawn killed and contained once the enemy has your spawn point pinned. If you happen to get the bomb, make sure you stick with a "protector" or someone who will protect you from an enemy sword user. I normally have one person that i stay right behind and if i get close enough to the enemy goal ill have my partner launch me over to their base while he is slashing away at the enemies. Overall Understanding of how grifball operates: 1. grifball is a 4v4 game which requires team effort, but if your teamates are trying to betray one another, dont worry, go after the objective which is to head toward the middle (where the bomb is located) 2. Once you are heading toward the bomb, make sure your teamates are out of your way, if they are not, let them swing at the enemy team first then you swing your gravity hammer next to clear out the middle area.( If it is too crowded, head to the outside "left" or "right" and come in from behind the enemy team) The reason why i say this is because i see way too many teams that slash through their own teammates at mid accidentally and help the enemy get the bomb. 3. Holding the bomb, in most cases holding the bomb for a while is a BAD idea. Mainly because people hold it at their own base which is a big NO NO. Make sure you stick with your team, holding the bomb at either middle court, or the left/right of the enemy spawn. You dont want to get caught losing the bomb at your own base. 4. Running the bomb, Make sure your team is progressed ATLEAST through middle court before making an attempt to push toward the enemy base. I suggest you have a friend protect you while the others slash away at the enemy team making a "route" for you to score. 5. Containing the enemy team, Try to push your team forward so that the enemy team will not progress to mid. This puts stress on the enemy bomb carrier, especially if he has no where to go. 6. Using the gravity hammer for multiple reasons such as launching yourself. Simply aim down at the ground and face your spawn point, jump backwards and swing immediately to launch yourself. I use this tactic because most people will see a red dot on their map, but wont take the time to look in the air to see if someone is there. 7. Intimidate the enemy bomb carrier, if you see the bomb carrier is progressing past mid, take out your sword, often times he will back away. 8. Use the bomb to your advantage, you have an over-shield, run faster, and kill quicker as the bomb carrier. Make sure you kill some enemy opponents a little here and there to contribute to your team. I see alot of bomb carriers who just sit back and watch a 3v4 and wonder why their team is getting pushed back to their own spawn. Mainly because the bomb carrier isent contributing. I will try to add a little bit more, but these are most of the basic rules of how to work together as a team in grifball. (how to cope with mean teammates) If your team is trying to kill you, make sure when you spawn, slam your gravity hammer then use step #6 to launch yourself to the enemy areas spawn point so they will be more worried about chasing you around the map than spawn killing. if it is a 1v4 and you are struggling to clear out the area, I suggest you stand aside and let them score the bomb so the game ends faster and so that you don't get frustrated. No team is going to want to spawn kill someone who is difficult to chase! (how to use gravity hammer as a defensive tool) when the bomb carrier is rushing you, (In his mind he will attempt to attack you with his fist) you pull out the gravity hammer, swing and jump at the same time which will push you and him away giving you space. I suggest swinging the hammer at least a good 4 steps away from the bomb carrier. This will most likely not kill the bomb carrier, but he would be hurt really bad. At the same time, at least you are not killed by him This tactic is mainly for defense. (why choosing correct abilities are important) during grifball dash I notice that the "warrior" ability is used by people who like to grab the bomb a lot which is a big mistake. One must take into account that the warrior ability is a "get to one place quick" ability. It's 100% for offense. On the other hand, Sentry is good for bomb carrying due to the fact you can use the ability while carrying the bomb. It's a 50% offense and 50% defense type of ability. But, this doesent mean that warrior is useless. I use warrior whenever the round begins to get me to middle and clear out the area, once I die, I will swap to sentry till the next round and repeat. Try this out sometime as it gets you used to both abilities. (passing the bomb) most people dont drop the bomb unless they are killed, but that's ok because not everyone trusts their teammate to pick up the bomb once they drop it. I normally rush to middle and when I clear the area I tend to grab the bomb if my team isent there, but if I see a teammate of mine running toward me, I'll simply drop the bomb and rush at the enemy which confuses them a little. If I succeed at killing them I create a "hole" or an open route for the bomb carrier to progress through. I don't suggest you use this tactic unless you have a team with mics ( Getting the bomb to enemy base airborne style) I think you guys all had that game where you are at the enemy's spawn point with the bomb but get a sworded by three people. What this tactic does is it confuses players who don't rely on the map to determine where the enemy is. When you get the bomb to their spawn, run to the far left corner or the far right corner once your team is attacking the enemy at their spawn. Once you have gotten to the corner, crouch down so that you cannot be seen on the radar. Drop the bomb, look down, swing your gravity hammer and at the same time, hold x to grab the bomb while u are flying in the air you will land at the goal and score!! And yes, this tactic is risky, I suggest using it when you are down by a few points or just playing a team that camps their own spawn. (Making the enemy kill their own team) Yeah you all have seen that bomb carrier move left and right all the time, but you wonder why they do it??? I'll tell you! As you already know, the bomb carrier is obviously a target, well, when people are moving left(his right) they will swing at him even from afar regardless. Some people do this not knowing its a tactic, but i can tell you from experience that is a really good tactic. People make mistakes. That being said, this tactic basically rounds the enemy team up, and has them killing one another maybe only once or twice till they figure out your only just fooling with them. It also gives your team a chance to sweep in behind them and go for the kill. Do not try this tactic close to your spawn, I suggest using it at mid court and at the enemies goal.
  22. Lol at this guys constructive sentences, funny how you start with calling me an idiot then you back out of the arguement you created by calling the mods to lock the thread. Seems kind of childish tbh.
  23. I can see if they added friendly fire on CoD seing as how its closer to real life than halo, but u have to be kidding me, you compared halo to real life... And if you actually read my post you would realise that these gametypes suck due to the fact that one can get betrayed a million plus times from their own team.
  24. I dont see how my arguement is invalid seing how i pay money to play this game and voicing my opinion on how crappy the gametypes are made like letting people betray others in griffball, and the old betrayals buring living dead which made no sense at all. I could spend hours on end complaining about how crappy some of the gametypes are, but i guess its people like you who get paid $$ by 343i to derail legitimate threads made by people who have a legitimate excuse to voice their opinion on this website...Idiot.
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