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Everything posted by Bossguy

  1. Bossguy


    360 IS BETTER THAN X-BOX ONE, i rest my case
  2. i wont be back on for all of summer but just keep one thing in mInd, IM A BOSS BRU

    1. Bossguy


      also that 360 is boss

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      We'll be waiting.

    3. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Summer? Lol. Have a good one mate.

  3. i will be gone for the whole summer and wont be on anymore. I know in the boss guy and everything will not be the same.(lol) but i shall be back , see ya
  4. Bossguy

    Destiny Urn

    after constant failing i finally beat him

  6. if you have destiny for 360 and wana play raids or something mail me

    1. superintendent


      i will send you my snail mail.

  7. i know that, but already got a clan for halo
  8. Bossguy

    Destiny Urn

    I need help with destiny, how do you kill Uzrok the hated i need to kill him to defeat the urn challenge
  9. Bossguy

    Destiny Gear

    is that for 360? how do you kill urzok the hated
  10. i cant wait for Titanfall 2 to come out

    1. Jack Of Harts

      Jack Of Harts

      It won't be on Xbox 360.

  11. Bossguy

    Destiny Gear

    I said dark below, i have no tam for strike, you dont get armor in DARK BELOW for mission and pvp really
  12. Bossguy

    Destiny Gear

    What is the ways to get weaponsand armor from the dark below pack
  13. My name is Brandon and i am looking for a clan in destiny I am lvl 28 ab a good sniper and rusher, i also have the expiation pack. i am also looking for people who do the raids PLEASE COMMENT BELLOW please note this is for 360
  14. I am trying to find people to help me with the volt of glass in destiny, if you have it for 360 comment bellow

  15. Does anyone have destiny for x-box 360

  16. have you guys sen the trailer for black ops 3

    1. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      Yeah bro! Can't wait for the big trailer on April 26th! So pumped!

    2. Bossguy
  17. Bossguy


    hello my name is Brandon, i hope you all are doing good today. I am new and just wanted to shout out hello to everyone and i cant wait to met all of you!!!
  18. Bossguy


    i need help for destiny, do you guys the fastest way to get vanguard and crucible reputation because i only get a little bit at a time.
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