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Everything posted by AKunbound

  1. - No sprint - Weapons on map always like H1-H3, Maps should be designed around weapon and map control like the first 3 games. its what made halo competitive - No instaspawns, also ruins halo - No AA it ruins map design cause developers have to design around it for AAs - No ordinance drops, this is a given if Halo is supposed to be about weapon and map control... which it always was when it was good. - Responsive controls - Descoping when shot - Consistent gameplay between all gametypes except for no radar for MLG and SWAT with no shields should be the olny exception. This helps the community stay competitive across the board. -Memorable maps of all sizes with good competitive attributes - More use of teleporters like H1 and H2, they add a real dynamic to maps that can't be matched. Creates great flanking opportunities and makes games more interesting. - Old school armor H1-3, anything is better than H4 armor looks lame, more customization but it has to be done correctly. ALmost 100% of the helmets in H4 were lame and weren't worth getting. - REAL Ranking System, this whole experience based system that rewards you just for playing over time is just a way of making casual players feel good but does nothing for Veterans and hardcore players that want to EARN their status. Halo 2s ranking system was awesome, it had cool colors surrounding the numbers which added to the hype behind getting there, then once you hit 44 you get cool images for your level like a crescent moon all the way up to 50 being a actual Halo from the game.. Epic. Also, it was difficult just getting to a level 30 so if you were a level 35 people would get scared before they even played you. H3s ranking was good too, but me and my fellow MLG level players feel it was a bit to easy to get to a 50. So somewhere between H2 and H3 difficulty would be fine but H2s difficulty just made you that much more of a Legend when you where a high level. - Clans/Clan Matches, it was amazing in H2 and really made a mark on players - Rewards for Clan wins and rewards for actual Ranking up in Ranked playlists, i don't feel like we should be rewarded for playing just experience wise(time wise) like in H4 and reach. It takes away the feel of achievement since everyone else that plays the game can also get it just like you did without being GOOD at the game. I know developers are trying to make all players feel good, but this is Halo, it is where MLG started, lets not degrade that competitive spirit please. - Firefight was way better than Spartan Ops, I felt like sparan ops was pointless imo. - Bring back more old maps, competitive and big maps. Fan favorites or all of them would be sweet. - Make campaign more memorable and give us more to do like finding skulls again and reward us with armor/customizables for doing things in campaign.
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