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Chrysos Lupos

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Profile Information

  • Interests
    Interested in gaming ( halo), cars, sleep ( who isn't?) food, people, many things : 3

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  • Gamertag
    Chrysos Lupos

Chrysos Lupos's Achievements


Grunt (1/19)



  1. I accidentally messed up my age.. I'm 16.. not 17 xD

  2. How about four? How is everyone? :P

  3. 3.. wait, I don't like 3 D'x

  4. I'm new here! I've finnaly gotten off my lazy bum and made an account xD

    1. Delpen9


      *Using a computer* Yes, you got off your lazy bum.

    2. Chrysos Lupos

      Chrysos Lupos

      You know what I mean >.< xD

  5. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forum. :)

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