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Everything posted by BerriesBoo

  1. I can't believe this one, too! I found this, as well. but I have no words for it.. but it seems it looks cool.
  2. Flood would be nice to come back.
  3. I love Lizards... WHY KILL HIM? I use to keep a lizard once. xD It was cool, He changed colors. Good lizard i had before.
  4. I would love to see Bubble shield to come back! I miss it.
  5. Ohmergawd... Control of your drool... It is too amazing.
  6. I played H2 once.. It didn't turn out good in matchmaking.. full of little kids whining over the mic... and screaming.
  7. So, MLG might be in MHCC? If it does happen. I'd like to see it in the game.
  8. I don't really know about Sniper headshot medal before, Was it good or bad? I'd want that medal for earning it in the matchmaking or etc. xD
  9. I've seen 4 elites in co-op few times around in 2008. It was fun. Arby was there for co-op, I'm glad he was. It was cool to be him! What if there was a female one like arby?
  10. On my way reaching up to 200th post... Can't wait to be purple. :3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TDM


      Wait to you reach Purple, and then another challenge... Silver-ish... Gray... Umm... I don't know. But once you get to Purple, I hope you look forward to the life of an unsaturated citizen of the forums. :P

    3. TDM


      (By that I mean the challenge... 500 posts.... And I don't count, that was under accidental but left alone circumstances..)


    4. BerriesBoo
  11. I could agree more with you, Silent.
  12. I like all Halo 4 missions.
  13. I disapprove veggies. I accept cookies.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BerriesBoo



    3. Delpen9


      Yeeeeeeeessss!! (*^#2>!

    4. depressant


      Veggies no. Coockies no. Popusas....YEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!

  14. Omg! Amazing! I knew it'd be good better than all halos.. well, not all. ;Squeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaals*
  15. Never heard of an Didact. Is he a secret?
  16. Hai. :3

    1. Rue


      Well hello there! How's Berries today?

  17. That's right. I saw the video of it from last night.
  18. Can i be purple? I like purple stuff. :X Merrrp.

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom
    2. BerriesBoo


      I will! I'm working on it, but I can't just spam it. lol

    3. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      But you can damn well try!

  19. I didn't know there was MLG. I guess they're way out of league.
  20. Try signing out and re-download your profile. It happened when i lost progress on Castle crushers, and everything came back. That should help.
  21. Welcome to the forums! Hope you have good time staying here!
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