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Everything posted by BerriesBoo

  1. I'll have the Event 1 soon! Cuz, I'm getting CoD AW console!! So, When is that event coming? :3
  2. Rocket Launcher! > Die elites. hehehehhe.
  3. Welcome to the forums! You'll love staying here. See you around in shoutbox and forums!
  4. Awesome chapter, Fishy! Can't wait for Chapter 17!
  5. -Classification : Signature -Format GIF -Size Default -Style Green with Goat's head -Color Scheme Green and black -Images > http://data2.whicdn.com/images/65096984/large.gif > etc. -Background [Link] -Text * > Allcaps with smallcaps text >etc. -Text Font -Additional Effects [blurs, filters, lens flares, etc] -Positions Only the Goat head of Neliel's head. It's nice. but I like it, I want it to be on right bottom corner
  6. Could we hope that Halo 5 will have forge? I hope it does! but Will Halo Master Chief Collection have forge as well? I hope so!
  7. BerriesBoo


    Welcome back! I haven't met you, but I'm sure I'll see you around,
  8. Count me in, but Please talk planfully so i could understand you guys. My GT is Bekinator
  9. Yeah, Sorry. I forgot about the editing my post. xD
  10. Bekinator is my GT. I'd like to join, but What game is it going to be? If it's H4 It seems like players are speaking though the mic, but It's just muted. I checked settings.. still doesn't work. but I'll join. I have my free time.
  11. Looks nice. Does that thing have space for more rooms to play around?
  12. I think SMG needs to get little bigger, maybe some little improvements.
  13. I looked at my rank other day to re-check it. It's Warrent Officer Grade 1.
  14. I like the weapons except the rocket launcher, I don't know if it would have red bullets as spartan laser gun, two of them would have combined into one, but I'm not sure about the bullets for it.
  15. Well, I'm getting xbox one on november, and I won't able to make it on the nov 11th event. :(

    1. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      That is ok! We will have more events!

    2. BerriesBoo
    3. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Don't feel bad, I won't make it either. ^_^

  16. The character? I'm missing alot! I need to catch up, Could anyone help me to catch up with the new character in games? If anyone can, I'd be glad to know about it!
  17. Well, Let the games move to Xbox one, so Microsoft would have better sales before releasing it to PC games. I couldn't agree more with these guys. Xbox360 soon will not have more games, because ever since Xbox one came out, and They're making more games for Xbox one. Remember how the old xbox had? The orignal Xbox had probably alot or few games, then moved to the new Xbox360, but Halo or Halo 2 didn't move to xbox360, but They did work with xbox360, After the xbox360, Another new style of Xbox360 came 2 years ago, and then Xbox one released few months ago, right? Now, Microsoft is making more and better games to Xbox one. I could agree more with the microsoft thing.
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