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Everything posted by BerriesBoo

  1. Halo 2 Shotgun is my favorite one. xD
  2. Never had any issues with MCC except trying to join with a friend due to internet connection was on strict, I rebooted like 3 times and tried joining with him, and he couldn't join me, his NAT was on strict, too. I don't know why. ._.
  3. Aww, Hope you come back soon!
  4. This nonsense, You can't see the future, so Chill out. Ash?
  5. Not bad, It could use little more better text, It looks like undead text from halloween. xD
  6. -Classification [signature, Avatar, Background, Banner] -Format [PNG (Static), GIF (Animated)] -Size [Default: 600 x 200] -Style [Overall theme: e.g. horror, sci-fi, etc.) * -Color Scheme [The dominant colors you'd like to appear] * -Images http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/196/3/4/marceline_render_by_ruii_neko-d6dnq48.png -Background No Background, Transparent BG -Text Any text * -Text Font Any font -Additional Effects [blurs, filters, lens flares, etc] -Positions Put the text in the middle. -Put " Maggie " in the middle, Any color, If you can do it, that's good.
  7. Lol, I'm a werewolf, aswell. :3
  8. I'm going with the nightfall, Looks good to play it. xD
  9. Banned for being silly, because i am waiting for everything.
  10. Darn it! Was hopin' it'd be me, but nah. xD congrats Del! Enjoy your MoM month! Or should i say DelMoM9 xD
  11. I'm glad i'm still alive. xD and I kissed heli? o_o
  12. I got shot or something? o_o wow. Fishy, It's not boring. it's a sad chapter. o-o Ik, i'm a fast reader. Can't wait for next chapter!
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