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Everything posted by StillSlayin24

  1. Hey! And yes that sounds way better than just having AAs be in your load out and refuel so often!
  2. For me to buy Halo 5 all I have to know is that there will be many Halo 3 elements in the multiplayer. Including No sprint, No armor abilities, A competitive ranking system, and equal weapons.
  3. Yeah I see where you're coming from! But I am a very "competitive" halo player and I guess a person that would prefer the old style and less change! I feel like armor abilities take away from the skill that was to be able to win multiple gun battles without help with things like abilities!
  4. Hey guys! I just wanted to throw out my ideas for the new Halo 5 or more or less ideas on not what to bring back from Halo 4. Before you read anymore know that this will be strictly multiplayer discussion. We all know the Halo 4 population dropped off very quickly, there are many reasons for this. 343 went for a cod style game, which frankly I've had more than enough of... The quick run and gun, little skill involved gameplay is not what I look for in my halo games. I look for something unique that no other game can provide. Halo 3 did that for me, I couldn't ask for a more perfect game like Halo 3. It was so simplistic, yet touched on everything we love as a Halo game. For Halo 5 I'd like to see more elements of Halo 3 implemented into the game. If 343 would put in place a ranked and a social multiplayer matches with separate ranking systems as seen in halo 3, I feel this would do a lot of good for the competitive and casual gamers that play Halo. I'd like to see the DMR removed or at least weaker. I'd love to see the original BR back and on map weapons, no load outs. Many people may like the load outs which they're not terrible but I feel they take away from some aspects of the game. I'd love to see armor abilities gone. Deleted. That's all I want to say about that. Please 343 take the time to release all of the maps with the game, no dlc as soon as it's released for map packs. You can even remake Halo 3 or 2 maybe even reach maps and I'd be okay with it. The Halo 4 maps were a step forward from most Reach maps but still the small to big map ratio was ridiculous. So guys I said a lot and there's way more to be said what did you guys not like about Halo 4 and what would you like to see for 5? Thanks!
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