Name: Gemini Dragon/ Drake/ Trae. (these are what I am most comonly called)
Location: Sin City, Alabama/ Columbus, Georgia
Age: 15
Bio: Born in Columbus, home town of Sin City. I currently do not know if I have failed the 9th grade or not. I love reading, don't ever touch my books or I'll bite your hand off. I love food, hence I like cooking. I have no real religion, what has any god done for me? I believe we are not alone. I have multiple problems pertaining to family and friends. I can have a temper at times, some times its just abrupt anger that comes from really nowhere, which kinda confuses me. I am not much of a sports fan, but I guess I am pretty decent at playing football. I hate loath bullies. I am very charismatic and I can be friends with nearly anyone I cross. Show me respect I show you respect. Show others respect I show you respect. I have a rather large imagination. I am often told I should do Drama. I live with a family ex-drug addicts. I simply dispise drugs. It has ruined my family. I can tell you more but that would require thinking. I hate it when people cheat on their girlfriends, so I don't conversate with them, sadly that includes my brother. I love history, learning about the past is what I like doing.
Likes: XBOX, Games, Halo saga, history, fiction, Action/adventure, movies, anime, acting immature( I am actually very mature), occasionaly romance, youtube, Space Engineers, Mincraft, mods(if they are immersive and reasonable), there is still so much more but right now I can't remember.
Dislikes: Ohh, there is so much that I hate. I bet Obama had something to do with that.....
Words to describe me(notice I didn't say 2 words): Calm, laid back, understanding, CHARISMATIC!