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Gemini Dragons

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Everything posted by Gemini Dragons

  1. You should listen to what Total said. Go to our Clan Advertising/Recruitment topic area. Choose a clan you like. Also welcome to the forum!
  2. Making an omlet for the first time. It better not fall apart.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Gemini Dragons

      Gemini Dragons

      Ummm, no. WTF are you talking about?

    3. Delpen9


      I prefer to boil my eggs in a zip lock bag to make an omelet. Making them on a frying pan doesn't get the right results.

    4. Twinreaper


      I guess your too young or weren't born yuet when the anti-drug commercials for "This is brain on drugs" came out.

  3. Ha! You could never get him again, for he is not going to be back for awhile I think JX
  4. CONGRADULATIONA!! You have been selected to be MoM. Yes, YOU! To begin your campaign, please sign Here__________ There---->_________ ________<----Over Here And down there! l l l v ________ AGAIN! Congradulations, for being selected for our MoM member ship, and remember our motto! "Get your spankin on!"
  5. Neither, I wouldn't use it at all, but I would keep it to keep it away from otheres.
  6. I usually go with the SAW I have never really used the Suppressor except once and I did terrible.
  7. I'd like to be able to choose the texture of a wall, you know a rusty look for flood or infection type gaming, posters for a city type setting, etc. Being able to zoom in forge mode fir precision editing. Being able to place weapons down in flood mode, this is to give a more immersive feel of flood. More interactive objects, like buttons to activate certain things. New armour abilities, I like some of the current armour abilities, but I did prefer Halo Reaches armour abilities alot more. Maybe some for CQC combate?
  8. Yes if Halo had its crown back then there is no doubt it'll become way more popular than when it was first made.
  9. My bad miss counted. And defeat the Master Chief
  10. Nope. It is easy to get you because you post often on this thread, try not posting so often. It will be easier to not get picked. JXZAW
  11. Cory-Blah blah blah. Who gives a ****? Jason-We need to see a doctor. Mikail-Just stay calm when you are talking to your self. Kyle-... Trae-I am sorry you had to go through that. Drew-Hehehe, she is lookin feisty. Tyson-OMG what a *****! Geny-All of your personalities can go **** themselves for all I care. Haley-What just happened? Sally-Uhh ohhh.
  12. I've played some of these games on my other consol. They were fun so I most likely will buy the next ones in their franchise.
  13. There is way to many gametypes for 343 to put on so instead they spread them and put each one into another that is best compatible for it. It suck I know, but at least it provides for more variety in the gaming system.
  14. I have a few friends who play Halo but not often. And to be honest I wish I could collect Halo merchandise and keep up with its Lore. The Halo series is my life(not literally figuratively), I love it, its awesome, it was my first major game I had ever played. I have a strong attachment to Halo. I can say it was THE game to ever actually get me interested in the gaming industry. Ahh crap, instead of doing what Sparky did I went on and talked about my life. I should be saying, "Well I'll be, I finnaly learned something about you." but I am not saying that I am saying, "lalala, Halo, and stuff. LIFE." hehehe. Glad to actually meet you Wombat, I officially welcome you to the forum.
  15. Pfft, Yang wishes he was me. caboose?
  16. Well, welcome to the forum! I love forge my self but...uh...can never really finish my maps. Anywho welcome to the forum, again. Ifyou need anything let me or any of the other forum members know.
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