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Everything posted by PurdyRockz107

  1. Spawn Camping in Grifball. Much more to say? No, just fix it in the next game.
  2. It has really annoyed me with Griffball players, games arae for fun, but the way griffball works is that there are a spawn they can camp at, and it is hard to get rid of them! People are doing it every other game or so and its really ticking me off, It's in the Halo reach, and halo 4 ( haven't played ODST so can't say )And campers are always active. And they arnt cheaters, its a thing in the game that people just happen to take advantage of... but it has annoyed me and my friends. I know you cant fix Halo reach or Halo 4, But please for Goddness Sake, don' let this be the same case for Halo 5... I love the game, but not if this is not fixed.
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