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Everything posted by xtclunatic

  1. Yes man, I with you for the most part. The most important things imo are just getting rid of loadouts, sprint, armor abilities and espescially RANDOM WEAPON SPAWNS!!!! Halo was all about everyone fighting for the powerweapons on these well placed locations and even starts.. now its just higher rank > better loadout> more luck with random weapons> better chance of killing. Bloom wasnt in every halo game. Halo Reach first had that.
  2. hey, thanks for the tip. I'll look out for that. Will be fine for another while since i need to get my skills up . Just to bad of the population is small nowadays. Anyway I'm gonna play some more halo 3, trying to relive a few of my best gaming years
  3. Hey, I am new here. I first want apoligize for my grammar, as English isn't my native language. A few days ago i stumbled upon some halo 3 vids and realized how much i miss those days and that I do NOT like the halo 4 multiplayer at all. Luckely there are still enough people playing halo 3 to find matches quite quick, although not in every playlist. I wonder why big team slayer is played by no one, i can't seem to find a match in big team slayer wich really bums me out. Doesn't anyone like it?
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