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Soviet Russia13

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    Soviet Russia13

Soviet Russia13's Achievements


Grunt (1/19)



  1. Halfway through your post I was like, "this ninja used google". Lol Fair enough though, well played XD
  2. You seem like a friendly member. What is the meaning of life? o.o
  3. Don't worry. I'm American. One can dream though. Leave the KGB at bay.
  4. Hello everyone. I'm new to this website (quite obviously) and just wanted to introduce myself. I will make an attempt to stay active considering I'm looking for friendly/good players to play 4 with in the future. I've already had the pleasure of speaking to a few members last night and a bit today. My gamertag is the exact same as my username "Soviet Russia13". Feel free to add me on XBL if you wish. I don't have Halo Reach, and I rarely play 3 anymore due to the lack of online players. Halo 4 I play nearly (if not) every day. I prefer SWAT over everything, but I also dabble in some Heavies when I need a change of pace. I usually don't use a microphone but I definitely will if someone wants to get in a party and play. I just prefer not to talk to most people in random public servers due to the influx of immature children. Good day to you all.
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