Hello everyone. I'm new to this website (quite obviously) and just wanted to introduce myself. I will make an attempt to stay active considering I'm looking for friendly/good players to play 4 with in the future. I've already had the pleasure of speaking to a few members last night and a bit today.
My gamertag is the exact same as my username "Soviet Russia13". Feel free to add me on XBL if you wish. I don't have Halo Reach, and I rarely play 3 anymore due to the lack of online players. Halo 4 I play nearly (if not) every day. I prefer SWAT over everything, but I also dabble in some Heavies when I need a change of pace. I usually don't use a microphone but I definitely will if someone wants to get in a party and play. I just prefer not to talk to most people in random public servers due to the influx of immature children.
Good day to you all.