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Everything posted by FloodMaster

  1. What if the spartan on the top is Master Chief's brother!!!!!!!
  2. If only I had an Xbox One.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      Also you call XB1s expensive ?!



      Cough PS3 cough

    3. Spartan-104


      um... ps3? why compare the pricing of a last generation system to a new generation one? Besides, if you want to play that game, no pun intended, the xb1 is more expensive than the ps4.

    4. FloodMaster


      I just want to play Halo 5 on my 360.

  3. How about a new grenade that does no damage, but freezes your opponent for a few seconds. It works on vehicles too.
  4. I think the top helmet looks like the Rogue helmet from Halo 3. Right?
  5. I love me some Flood. I could play that all day!

    1. Rue



  6. I could see the prometheans accidently releasing flood specimen. Now that Scattershot is even better!
  7. I ranked up 5 times and got Raider armor today! Plus some emblems. Thanks Waypoint!

    1. BeckoningZebra1


      Ah the waypoint codes... :D

    2. FloodMaster


      Ah yeah!! All that free Xp.

  8. I always thought the Gravity Hammer was better but now that I think about it, I like the Energy Sword a lot more. You sprint faster with it, hit faster, and it has it's own assassination! But the Gravity Hammer can actually block the Energy Swords attacks. So, as a conclusion, Sword is faster and better looking, but does less damage to vehicles and groups of people. Also I'm just better with the sword. Tell me what you think in the comments!
  9. They should add a UNSC melee weapon too. Those would both be awesome.
  10. Why did they take ricochet off of the playlists?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. FloodMaster
    3. Delpen9


      They're cheese heads. If game-types don't get hot enough, their heads get yucky, and they remove the game-type.

    4. FloodMaster
  11. I'll have to go with option #4. Binary rifle is my favorite.
  12. Name: All You Can Eat Primary weapon: Assault Rifle Secondary weapon: Magnum Grenade type: Plasma Grenades Armor ability: Thruster pack Tactical package: Mobility Support upgrade: Ammo I usually use this for BTB or CTF. The ammo support upgrade allows you to use power weapons for a longer time. Thruster pack can get you out of a fight you can't win. Mobility gets you wherever you want really fast. Go ahead and stick some vehicels with those plasma grenades. The Assault rifle kills groups of people pretty fast and that magnum shoots further than you think. I love this loadout and hope you do too. WARNING: This loadout is awesome.
  13. Did you know lightning usually comes from the ground?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FloodMaster


      That is pretty awesome.

    3. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      Lightning comes from the static electricity formed from the friction of air particles in the air at millions and millions of volts leaping TOWARDS the earth. This is because these free electrons wish to be grounded. The tendency for the ground to be oppositely charged than the clouds are much rarer - and so, lightning coming from the ground is much rarer as well.


      It does not usually come from the ground. It is usually between oppositely charged clouds and stuff or going from cloud-...

    4. FloodMaster


      It was meant to be joke. I didn't even know lightning could come from the ground. Thats crazy.

  14. I always thought there should be a human welee weapon. It would be a power glove. One hit kill up close. Light weight. If there is more than one person, electricity spreads through them all, then kills them. Wouldn't that be awesome?
  15. Your favorite game is......(comment)

    1. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      My favourite game is most certainly not (comment)!

    2. FloodMaster


      But I thought you loved (comment).

  16. So I had an idea that the Saw could be beaten by the Suppressor, right? So then I tested this theory with my friend. Now obveously, the Saw is one of the best anti-personal weapons in the game, but the Suppressor actualy kills just as fast up close. The Saw is only good in mid range and the Suppressor is only good up close. I tested this on Haven. Now, because my friend isn't as good as me, he got the Saw. The results were actually pretty good. The Saw only won by 15 points, but it would have been by more if I didn't have thruster pack. That thing saved my life about five times! All of my points I got were only because of the fact I could get up in my friends face, and get the first few shots. Over all, Saw won the match, and cut down... the opponent (haha). What do you think?
  17. How many hits to kill? Can it zoom? Can it lunge? Does it have splash damage? Is it fully-automatic? Is it promethean, human, or covenent? Include all information possible please. Say what you want it to be like.
  18. I hate lag. It just isn't fun for me.

  19. If you could tell me what your favorite power weapon is, why, and what kind of weapons should be in the next game that would be great. Also give a comparison of all the weapons. Thanks.
  20. I would also like to know what your favorite power weapon is. What are your strategies with it? I would also enjoy if you told me what you prefer to use in your loadouts. Just any information on that kind of stuff. Thanks again. -BattleMaster
  21. I would like for everybody to reply. Thank you.
  22. There was one thing my grandpa always told me and it was,"Never awaken an alien from an ancient slumber."

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Stig

      The Stig

      And your grandpa was a very wise man! I suggest we heed his advice!

    3. Maestro


      It's too late for that.

    4. FloodMaster


      Poor, poor predators.

  23. My dog can run 40 mph. He's a greyhound

  24. Tomorrow is my birthday.

    1. Akali


      Early happy B-Day BattleMaster (I will probably say it again tomorrow ;))

    2. The Stig

      The Stig

      Well happy early birthday! :D

    3. FloodMaster
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