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Twizted Fate

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Everything posted by Twizted Fate

  1. I understand where you are coming from Y Ddraig Goch. However it's not so much as making the game "More Popular" its about trying to keep what have still going. I'm not trying to do the impossible by trying to vamp up a gaming community that is mod free and botless. The only impossibility here is if i said that by doing so the popularity status of reach would go up. I'm not god here dude, nor am I trying to play as him. I mean isn't what true halo gamers want is a safe respectable community, mod and bot free that is member-friendly? How is that such an impossible task. Halo reach and you should already know on this one is dying. I never said quickly. When I had halo reach there was ALWAYS at least 60,000 - 30,000 players on. Now its less than 10,000 near 5,000 to 3,000. Many left because of Halo 4. Many left because the game was getting some years. Some left because of the mods. We can't stop others from leaving for Halo 4 or that 90% of them already did but we can stop ourselves from using mods, and being more respectable.
  2. Halo reach is becoming a slow dying community and we as gamers for halo reach are a slowly dying breed as well. Anyone who played halo reach for a long time should now see Halo reach isn't in (many ways but not all) the way it used to be. Mods are being used in at least 5 out of 10 games by players, even the infection community is dying. I am on a mission to try to start a private gaming community for Halo reach. A clan based on fair gameplay where everyone can play with reassurance noone is using mods, or is going to be a total, in lack of a better term, prick. Apocalypse clan was created a few days ago when I decided that I have had enough of the mods, enough of the rude players, enough of the boosting. However recently I discovered without the help of others starting a clan, let alone a entire gaming community is going to be much more difficult than I imagined. I didn't start blindly thinking "This will be a peice of cake, i'll play a few games, send a few messages and "WALAH". Of course I didn't, everyone who has ran a clan or who has at least took time to do recruiting knows that this is a hit or miss process, give or take the people you message or attempt persuade to help even decide to give assistance. The point I am greatly trying to stress here is, I love Halo Reach, it was the first game I ever played and the last game on the 360 I will ever stop playing, Reach has stole the hearts of the still dedicated players, and we can relight the dwindling fire by doing our best to eliminate modding, botters, ect. If you would like to join Apocalypse i could greatly use the help of any sort. Please send a message to GranniGrinder (My G-Tag) Thank you all very much ~ and Happy Gaming to all Sincerely a Huge Reach fan Twizted
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