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Everything posted by xX_Master117_Xx

  1. it would be nice in multiplayer and single player / forge you can edit as many vehicles scarab phantom pelican and even when one enters the vehicle or in the settings can decide whether one can enter the vehicle and use the third person or the first person as battlefield and that there were fighters ( seraph saber broadsword etc ...) is also a new halo for the pc would be great because you could create mods and if you like you can use them fans can edit and this would attract a lot of people and I think the old fans will would be more than satisfied. you could also do that one can decide whether to be a grunt who may have high damage resistance high and low speed the same thing with hunters while the elite high-speed high damage but low defense be able to use vehicles in several ways thanks to the ability to unlock gadgets that was purchased with the vehicle as to a scorpion can be added as a gadget that can launch a rocket that does high damage and can be a guided and can engage aircraft . and maybe add a higher physical objects from a sniper rifles as there is not just one but more than one of each one that maybe has some advantage over the other . would be a good idea to replace the rank of halo 3 which were great because it was obvious complicated I suggest you put in Anticheat vistri server because I have seen some people flying without jetpack or maybe shots fired in bursts rpg (sorry for bad language)
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