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Posts posted by MASTER RECON118

  1. that happened to me before too

    you know 28 weeks later the horror film , at the beginning when the father was running from the zombies, i was him and running then suddenly realized it was a dream so i charged at them and lightning struck me when i turned into an elite ultra with dual energy swords and i owned, then woke up

    HHAHAHA why don't I have such dreams :(

  2. I think that would be good. Even if there are no elites in Halo 4, it would be cool to further customize your character. Maybe the other species besides human will be forerunner, or precursor, or even flood. If I could play as a forerunner, I would in a heartbeat. And if their armor was customizable, I would love it even more. I agree that the elite customization in Reach sucks. If it were more like the Spartans, it would be a lot better.

    what he siad.

  3. Honestly, I don't mind playing COD if I can't play Halo for some reason. It's not a bad game, but as far as "realism" goes, those of us with military experience laugh at it. A lot.

    Let's chat about the realism. First, it doesn't take half a clip to bring a guy with just a flak jacket on. You get him in the arms or legs, he will hit the ground. You shoot someone in the foot, they will not be able to sprint after you and knife you. So, as far as it being more realistic then Halo goes, not really. Second, their attempts at balancing the game kind of throws off the realism even more. They need to put more research into 5.56 and 7.62 rounds before they equate the damage done with an M16 and an AK-47.

    Let's talk about realism with Halo. As far as weapons go, it seems fairly unrealistic. In real life, a bullet has travel time, which means you usually have to lead your opponent by a bit if they are moving. However, remember that this is a few hundred years into the future. So, ballistics in the future will probably travel a whole lot faster than the ones used in present times. Well, that makes the weapons seem more realistic, let's talk about damage. If a Spartan get's hit, they have about a ton of armor protecting their already hardened bodies, and it's full body armor WITH shields. So, the damage is fairly realistic. Now let's talk about the tech. It's not like it's flying cars, or robots that take care of your every whim. It's simply human technology with advancements made to them. Stuff that we are actually currently studying, in fact. Then the covenant. Honestly, fighting them is a whole lot more realistic than a random war with Russia, or some random terrorists who for some reason take a whole lot of ammo before they finally kick the bucket. The covenant are an unknown alien threat. For all we know, at this very moment, there could be advanced alien civilizations out there. So it's not unrealistic.

    So realism (oddly enough) goes to Halo.

    Now, let's talk about the STORY :D The COD storyline is pretty much all over the place. It's kind of difficult to follow, between the fps cinematics and the constant bombardment of enemies every level. To me, the story in COD feels like something out of a Tom Clancy novel rather than an actual, thought out, fact checked story that could get printed in a series of New York Times bestsellers. The Halo storyline is one that is adored by fans of all ages. You don't even have to pick up one of the books to realize that it's well thought out. It has all of the qualities of an awesome story (IMO). It has the hero (117), the antagonist (covenant), betrayal (covenant vs elites), odd alliances (elites/humans), and the sacrifice made to save humanity (deaths of favorite characters). It didn't have random plot twists, it wasn't gimmicky, and it was well thought out. It is unique. And every single Halo game has differences from it's predecessor that make it seem like a whole new game, but still Halo.

    This is all imo, with a bit of fact here and there, but it's the reasons I prefer the Halo series over COD.


    cool story bro!

  4. arbiter armor please at least something like this

    even for inheritor



    damn! that pic is soooooo cool! it should be in Halo 4! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :thumbsup:


    you can unlock it by becoming a legend or some vid masters or a legendary edition bonus.


    this armour should be in the game!

  5. First: Romeo is stabbed by ******** chieftan.


    Second: Buck tackles, pokes Chief's eye, then stabs in neck


    Third: Mickey tries to get a clear shot with shotty, then thinks "**** this" and rams into Chief's side


    Fourth: Dutch comes along and hammers Chief in side and gets in fighting stance


    And lastly: Buck says (muffled under Chieftan) "Get this thing off of me"

    • Like 1
  6. I have posted many of these ideas myself on other topics, i read this one thinking "i am not the only one"


    But we have to (unfortunately)remember that disc,though better than the floppy's, can only hold so much.

    I have completely read every post, and frankly we (including me) are asking a lot from 343i.

    But we are fans, and that is are job other than the one that gives us monies to pay for more halo games (F.T.W)


    In order to insert all the ideas that we as forgers have in mind, we need to have 2 disc like O.D.S.T.

    I know what some of you are thinking, "i hate switching discs over and over again", but to be honest i love everyone's ideas.

    If you truly want pelicans, ammo clips, blood, AI spawning, forge-able firefight maps, etc. then we need a second disc.


    I have work this out in my head and still can't figure out one thing...what do we move to the second disc?

    We could move campaign and theater over and have more room for multiplayer/customs/forge/firefight...

    ...or we could move forge/firefight/customs to one disc by itself and have multiplayer/campaign/theater together.

    there are many ways you could shift it but i would like your opinions on the 2 disc concept.


    We may not like it, but it works.


    I like ur idea

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