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Jackal (2/19)



  1. yep. u guys would like ragdolls( marines, odst, spartans..think of garrys mod) in forge? it would make some really cool infection maps.
  2. this^^ if annyversary doesnt have any new invasion maps, i will rage!
  3. lol, i was talking like press this switch to make this item spawn and such. imagine the things you could do. off topic: yaaay im a grunt major, the best acomplishment in my life.
  4. HAYABUSA! oh wait... i guess its commando
  5. what changes would you like to be made? discuss everything about forge V3 here ideas: many diferent colour paletes; more vehicles: forklift, trucks and stuff; make it much more interactive (add switch to activate this, and that) more than one forge world (desert; snowy and a bigger foundry)
  6. hello guys. i used to be in bungie.net but i guess i should make the transition from bungie to 343 a bit early. u guys seem nice, its good to take a break from all those troll threads
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